Is this the beginning or am I going crazy? I just don't know.
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I think this has been coming for a while now, I have tried to point my feelings of lonliness, not feeling loved and being generally joyless at my husband, my job and just generally that I need to change my life. But after the latest bout of symptoms, I think I now know the culprit to be perimenopause! that is unless I'm just going crazy.
Although mentally I feel 'normal' my moods are swinging so quickly that I can feel fine one minute and half an hour later, feelings of impending doom. I had a hyxterectomy at 34 and I am now 43 still with my ovaries, but now beginning to wish they had whipped them out at the same time rather than face years of trauma.
currently I am having mock period I think, my chest is huge and sore. But apart from the mood swings, I am just tired, no motivation to do anything and I am a driven person usually. lost my strength in the gym, too tried to do cardio and struggling to wake up in the morning, but pushing myself to stay focused and keep going even though I feel like I might have a crying fit any time.
Please tell me this is normal? I use the word 'normal' very loosely of course......
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Gypsy014 Guest
I had the hysterectomy too years ago and still have my ovaries, I don't know if its normal but it sure is exhausting and everything you are feeling I have felt and it goes along with the declining hormones, the only thing that sucks for us is that we have no periods to show us where we are in our cycles and if we've completed perimenopause, we can only go by symptoms, so write them down daily so you know, every night before bed get your little journal out and write the date and every single symptom you had for that day so you can see how long they've lasted and what returns, that way you won't feel so nutty when you ask yourself wow I'm so dizzy today and yesterday you can look back on your symptom tracker and know ok I was dizzy last month same days, or I was a crying mess on these days, had migraines on those days, watch for the monthly patterns, and buy the menopause sticks you pee on to see if its showing menopausal yet... Good diet exercises yoga meditation, all good things to practice during your transition, also you'll find yourself just trying to litteraly cope and make it through each set of symptoms at a time, just as they leave you your hit with more, that's all menopause they come and go and just when you think your done with a set of them they return, until they get easier and easier to deal with, very exhausting all of this but there isn't a magic pill just have to ride the wave we all have to go through it mentally and physically , its tough some days better than others,,keep telling yourself you can do this one day at a time.. Good luck hope your ride isn't that bumpy for you...
2chr2015 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 2chr2015
Yes tracking your symptoms saves your sanity lol keeps you from wondering wow did I have this last month, and it still amazes me how these awful symptoms repeat themselves to the day.. All so insane yuck just want to feel amazing again😁😁😁
Gypsy014 Guest
Guest Guest
Hi Clare, sounds like peri. Same here, except, I have all my plumbing still. 41, hit me out of nowhere last year. I’m not getting the lonely feelings, but I used to cry a lot over everything. When my health anxiety was at its peak, I always felt doom. I Have a lot of physical symptoms, fatigue, dizziness along with crazy periods all over.
Of course, get checked out...looks like your on the right trail tho 😊
2chr2015 Guest
Guest 2chr2015
😂At least you had a good reason😂
Guest 2chr2015
victoria86074 2chr2015
Omg! That made me laugh & cry at the same time because I thought I was the only one who has done that! My tuna salad didn't look right so I threw a hissy fit & then cried my eyes out! Sending u lots of hugs xxx
michelle97919 victoria86074
Count me in on the craziness of that too
I made boiled eggs and they were undercooked so i threw them at the sink
Made a terrible mess
Then left the kitchen full of rage
Sat and cried my eyes out in the living room
My husband and daughter just looked at eachother with raised eyebrows
At which point my daughter offered me a cereal bar
I cried some more!!!
My husband went out to buy more eggs but left them in the car
He said he didnt want to bring them in the house looool
In case it upset me
This is now a big joke in my house and is now called egg gate😁
Trust me there are many more outbursts ive had over ridiculous things
Lets try keep it together ladies 😅
Sorry also should have said my family think i shouldnt be allowed out with the general public anymore😂
2chr2015 michelle97919
My husband was saying “please don’t make a scene!” 😂
monique_93857 Guest
kelly55079 Guest
Your not going crazy!! I at times feel lonely as well-- I don't know why.. Well, it could be my marriage but still I have pets, friends, kids, parents, etc... I used to enjoy my job. Going into work knowing what I'm doing is good. But lately I just can't stand it-- just seems like it's all a hassle. So where is the joy? It has to be the hormones so I take it day by day doing the best I can for myself. For now it's all I can do.
2chr2015 Guest