It's back !!

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Hi ladies. Hope everyone's coping ok with everything. Not been on here for a while but needing some guidance. I'm taking B6, B12 and Vit E, plus iron as prescribed by doc, and I reported on here a few months ago that the natural remedies were working because my worst symptoms had subsided. I was sleeping better, hot flushes had lessened considerably and the muscle twitching and trembling I had been experiencing had almost disappeared. Well, in the past week or so, I've noticed I'm twitching\trembling again and am waking up at about 4am but can't get back to sleep. The hot flushes haven't returned but that doesn't mean to say they won't. Just wondering if I need to up my dose of V6\V12 or change to something else? Any advice appreciated.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi lara

    in my ten year peri experience, i too take B6 B12 etc etc still do, would never not .

    you will still get blip times, and off times, mine seemed to be every 6 weeks i would like abit like PMS but wasnt having any periods, afraid theres no 100% cure we just have to learn to cope best we can..

    hope things pick uo soon, maybe a blip time for you

    jay x

    • Posted

      Hey Jay, I can feel I'm getting old cuz I'm calling everybody 'dear'.  rolleyes
    • Posted

      Thanks Jay. I was thinking the same, and I read elsewhere online that estrogen levels drop at a faster rate as you get older so perhaps that's what's happening to me. I'm 48 and I like the thought that the process might be speeding up. That's what I'll tell myself anyway. Thinking anything else is just too frightening. Oh yes, and I've noticed that the anxiety is back as well. I'll keep taking the natural remedies and see if it changes again in a few weeks.

      Hope all is good with you x

  • Posted

    Laura do your take magnesium? That could be worth a go to help with your symptons. Try not to get disheartened, think of this as a blip, a hormone, drop and have confidence that this too will pass.
    • Posted

      No I haven't tried magnesium but I will give it a go, thanks. Do you find it works for you?
  • Posted

    Hi Lara,

    Menopausal symptoms won’t go so soon. It keeps coming on and off. You have to prepare yourself till 55 of your age. Don’t stop supplementary medicines. Have regular exercises. Keep patience. If sleep problem will not stop by itself, fix an appointment with your GP. Hope you will manage this situation. All the best.


    • Posted

      Thanks caren. I will keep going with the supplements. Middlemuddle also suggested magnesium which I will definitely try. I've just googled magnesium deficiency and so much of it fits so will buy some at the weekend.

      Hope you're coping well with your symptoms x

    • Posted

      Hi Lara,

      You are always welcome. It’s good that you have accepted the fact and ready to face it.

  • Posted

    Lara take care what sort of magnesium you get, it can upset your stomach. I go for 'oil' flakes dissolved in water applied to the skin. There are various oral forms, google to find which will suit you best.

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