It takes a while......but things do settle down!
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I,d like to let all the ladies with all the horrible, scary menopause symptoms know that although it takes time, you can overcome this and beat it. A few months ago, I was at the end of my rope, having been messed about by various doctors, experimenting with dosages and types of hrt.I was suicidal and offered ad,s, sleeping tablets, beta blockers etc. I didn't go down that route. I discovered magnesium which, because I had a major issue swallowing anything bigger than the hrt tablet, I took in the form of cell salts. These little tabs. settled my system down and I added Kali phos, for nerves. These are natural salts, and non addictive, just something your body is low on. So after the head doctor took over my care and put me back on the hrt I had been on and which I was taken off due to my age, 60, he then put me back on to the original hrt. However, the 1mg of estrogen was too low, and it was changed to 2mg. This was the sequi version, which kick started my period, but things generally settled down considerably. So, although I Have worked through and had to put up with a fairly uncomfortable few months, I now feel pretty normal. My regime is now the hrt conti 2mg estrogen and 1mg progesterone, vitamin b12 complex, vitamin d, cell salts, mag phos and kali phos in the morning, and magnesium night spray at bedtime, I now sleep for about 6 hours (at one point I did not sleep at all!) and can even go back to sleep for a couple of hours after waking. I don't have hot flushes, the panic attacks have gone, the anxiety has calmed down, the dry , burning mouth is soon much better, the reflux has cleared, the dry nose is much better and I can once again cope with every day life. I get the occasional shakes still, but that is settling down too. I have more good days and can even contemplate booking our annual holiday, when we drive to France and rent a gite. I couldn't have even thought about this before. I have been on distance trips for work and have done a presentation with no problems,. So for all you ladies who have been struggling, hang in there as you too, can overcome the menopause horrors. My doctor finally did hormone checks a couple of weeks ago, and acknowledged that I had been right and that the low hormones were to blame for all of my symptoms and I had been right not to take all the meds prescribed because I would now be dependant on them. As it is, he actually said that I could probably do with an even higher dose of hormones and as that is not possible, he is quite happy for me to stay on my current regime as it is so obviously helped. I hope this long message can help some of you, I know we are all different and one size does not fit all, but stand by your guns, as we have got to be heard. Best wishes to all who are still in "the dark place".
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Azzumi supemack39
So good to read your story and that it had a happy ending. I too have had a happy ending after a short but extremely unpleasant Peri Menopause. I went down the BHRT route after suffering extreme mood swings with terrible depression that almost sent to crazy. I had all the other typical symptoms but they seemed to settle down reasonably fast and the depression and uncontrollable mood swings set in like nothing I have ever experienced before. The BHRT wasn't an instant fix and the first 6 weeks for me was unpleasant as my doctor gave me a bit too much estrogen and it sent my mood swings into overdrive. Its since been adjusted and I am leveling out nicely. I have a troche with estrogen progesterone & testosterone all levels are according to my bloods and symptoms. Iv been on BHRT 12 weeks now, I still have ups and downs but I can cope with life again too.
I feel I was very fortunate to have found a doctor with the level of care and understanding he has for what we go through as woman.
I completely agree that it is a very individual thing as to what will work for you, but those with success story need to share and hopefully it will help someone else have a happy ending too.
Goodluck to everyone with your journey through menopause. Please never give up hope.
Guest Azzumi
It'll be a week tomorrow that I've started the BHRT. I've had some waves of shakes and flu feeling, but much less then before. This week would be my bad week and I'm finding, even though I'm having some symptoms, it's more manageable and I'm able to function. I don't want to say too early but maybe it's starting to work?
I'm still having spotting, it started the day of ovulation and has been non stop. My period was due last week and I never got it. Just annoying spotting. Will it ever stop? And what happened to my period? I'm crampy but nothing. I told the GYN office about it and the answer was 'we will check you after you start the bc pills', well first off they said to start the bc pills day one of my period, but I never got a period AND I threw those pills in the garbage. My GYN is against bios so now what? I have to tell her, she will be angry that I didn't take her advice. Hoping I don't have uterine cancer or something ominous..
Azzumi Guest
Not sure why people are so against BHRT. For me it wasn't a case of toughing it out and getting through Peri menopause. I truly couldn't cope with what the shift in hormones was doing to me mentally. My mother who passed away 2 years ago suffered extreme bipolar disorder which wasn't diagnosed until after menopause so obviously my mood problems were of huge concern to me. I'm feeling at the moment that they might need adjusting again as thismorning I've been feeling off but I'm up and about getting my day underway so I'm happy with that.
Just hang in there and try to give the BHRT some time to do its thing. If you can get all your hormone levels balanced right you will definately start to feel better.
Good luck and I'd love to hear how you go.
Guest supemack39
Guest supemack39
But do you think you are better because you finally came out the other side? Or do you attribute it to the hrt and supplements?
If I listened to my doctors I'd now be on Lexapro, birth control pills and klonopin! Screw that!!
supemack39 Guest
I attribute everything settling down to the hrt, although it took time to find the right level. Although my symptoms became unmanageable around six months ago, I only had my hormone levels checked about three weeks ago, whe it was finally acknowledged that my very low levels of estrogen, even while now taking 2mg, was what was causing the symptoms. The doctor even said I should have even higher doses, but he can't prescibe them. I have had a biopsy etc. and everything was normal. Personally, I would prefer to go on to patches as I could then reduce slowly, but the doctor does not want to rock the boat, so it looks like I will be on hrt indefinately.
poldol70 supemack39
Hi, I joined the site after hitting rock bottom on Friday and finally going to see my GP. My symptoms have become overwhelming after 7 months without a period, both physical and mental. I became extremely tearful talking to the Doctor and came out with a prescription for anti depressants (with the most hideous side effects) rather than HRT. I'm due to have blood tests on Monday. The question I want to ask is did you have to ask for HRT or was it offered? She agreed that I am menopausal but seemed reluctant to prescribe. Can I insist as I really do not want to go down the anti-d route.
supemack39 poldol70
Hi Poldol, I can't remember initially, whether I asked for hrt or was offered it. But perhaps you could ask your doctor if he/she watched Kirsty Wark on the TV the other night. The general consensus from the doctor was that there is help for women, and hrt helps prevent osteoporosis. Kirsty Wark, who had a medical menopause and had been on hrt years ago, but came off due to the wrong press at the time, is now considering going back on hrt at 61. The mental symptoms, made worse by the physical issues, are so debilitating and make you wonder if life is worth living. Surely quality of life should be what is important. I've had a good few months of hell, so I can understand where you are coming from, and I am still probably only 90% well again, as it does take time. When you get your blood tests done, speak to the doctor again and tell her just how you feel and that you at least want to try hrt. Anti depressants are not necessary if you don't want to take them. Let us know how you get on?
Guest poldol70
Are you in the states? I found here that if you are offered hrt by most docs and gyns's it will be synthetic hrt or birth control pills or antidepressants and anti anxiety drugs. I found an anti aging doctor who works with bioidentical hrt and also gets your thyroid up to snuff as well with natural thyroid meds. I've only been on my BHRT for a little over a week but I have to say I'm starting to see a bit of a difference. I'm not great but I'm no longer non functioning which is how bad I was.
Just read a great article on natural progesterone. Did you know women start declining in progesterone in their 30s? Low progesterone can cause so many things and they are even finding that many fibromyalgia women got better once they started progesterone. Even fibroids got better too as well as ovarian cysts.
poldol70 supemack39
Thank you for your advice, I've only just found your response in my spam folder!
Bloods Monday, had an appointment to discuss today. Thyroid function and all other blood tests perfectly normal which is a relief! I told her I wasn't happy to take the anti d's and that I want to try HRT and came away with a prescription for Elesste Duet tablets. I start taking them tomorrow morning and have to go back in a month for a review of my symptoms.
Thanks again for responding, I have found this forum so helpful and will keep in touch.
theresa63189 supemack39
gailannie supemack39
Supermack, so glad to hear that you have gotten things to calm down. I do have a question though. You said you are doing 2 mg of estrogen with 1 mg progesterone?
That's a very low dose of progesterone. And I'm not sure what "conti" or "sequi version" means. I'm sure this is some different term used in Europe. Could you please describe what that indicates. And if you don't mind, what form (route of administration) are you taking your hormones?
supemack39 gailannie
gailannie supemack39
Thanks for that explanation. So a couple more questions if that's ok. How old are you? And do you still have a uterus?
And as I understand it this is a combined pill? And that one pill contains 2 mg estradiol a 1 mg of progesterone daily?
Thanks for all my questions. Obviously we are on different continents, and things are a little different. But I'm curious about your HRT.
supemack39 gailannie
Hi Gailannie.I am 60 (have felt a lot older during all of this rubbish!) And yes, it's a combined pill that gives 2mg esrogen and 1mg progesterone daily.And yes, I still have all my internal bits!!, I,m in Scotland.
gailannie supemack39
Well how bout that? I'm 60 also, and have all my "bits" as well.
But don't get me started on the 60 thing. Holy heck have things changed, felt really pretty good until I started to crash, got vaginal atrophy, dyness, and painful sex. Who knew that things could change so rapidly? Very unpleasant.
supemack39 gailannie
I haven't slept with my husband since all of this went out of control.For months, I slept on the settee, then I tried the spare room, a few hours, then back to the settee. Now I manage the whole night in the spare room.However, I have "visited "a few times recently, much to the relief of both of us! It's our anniversary today...43 years....and he,s stuck with me through all of the difficult days and nights. Poor man.....He didn't sign up for this.
Guest supemack39
My husband has been very patient as well. I'm starting to realize that men's midlife crisis are having to put up with us going through all of this!
gailannie supemack39
NONE OF US DID! And if I'd have known how awhile this was, I would have torn up the contract and ran! Not easy is it.
Hopefully things will come back to somewhat normal now that you have found the combination that seems to help. Stick with it girl!
cindy1957 gailannie
gailannie cindy1957
Hi Cindy, boy this 60 thing is difficult, isn't it. I also have some fatigue at times. It's hard because I was always so energetic I would bounce off the walls.
I probably did my best when I was on both estrogen and progesterone for energy level. Having those hormones does help suport our adrenal glands, which is a huge energy producer.
supemack39 gailannie
cindy1957 gailannie
I know, I just am avoiding the prescription meds and trying natural, which I'm finding some relief as far as the hot flashes go, the fatigue well I might have to give this OTC a little more time, they do say up to 60 days for full effect, so we'll see! I had a partial hystorectomy about 29 years ago.
gailannie supemack39
Still suing some estrogen (vaginally) and some progesterone cream. Just haven't got the combination right yet.