It will never end
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this is never gonna end symptoms day in day out all day long some goes some comes but its constantly every waking min. 9 years in cycle don't even look like its starting to come to an end no skipping, Early late light heavy is all it wants to do. im beyond fed up and tired of it all its robbed me of 9 years never a symptom can be mild its been very intense some severe. its really been a very long miserable hard road. ive had every symptom on the list and way more then whats on the list. praying pleading begging is all my life consist of 24/7 . some can take hrt and thats great not an option for me or birth control. ill list my symptoms in detail best I can if anyone can really truly relate.
dizziness not room spinning just constantly feeling swaying moving on boat
heart racing fir no dang reason after eating races,wake up races flip flops flutters name it does it off and on
hot all the time no sweating face on fire ears burning like im in a boiler.
skin burns like bad sunburn
feel like a flu off and on no flu
uti's more
blurred vision
blood pressure up and down on meds never a problem til perimenopause
digestive issues for months indigestion bloating bowel issues
dry eyes, mouth skin vagina
wake up nauseous hot heart racing clammy neck
achy legs and arms since last cycle
ignoring and pushing through dont work im in a body that isnt functioning normal all this at once is way too much to deal with.
i know there is more but this is the main ones day in day out
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michelle29462 pamela2016
have the same burning on my whole uper body the worst is in face and arms also have a hard time taking a deep breath feel trapped in my body nothing helps and i dont know what to due also i feel like i am on a boat all the times.
michelle29462 pamela2016
Have you had your b12 tested
dev77856 pamela2016
I asked myself the same thing this is ever going to end. do you feel like Frankenstein when you wake up all stiff ?do your bones hurt and what about your back? I can’t figure out if this is actually my spine injury or is this hormones I’m like the tin man from the Wizard of Oz that needs to be oiled. I shouldn’t be going on hormones either but I can’t take this anymore and I’m willing to take the chance as scary as it is.
tamsin00119 pamela2016
Hi Pamela
I am sorry you are suffering so badly. I honestly feel for you... May I asked if you have been seen by a Rheumatologist? Some of your symptoms sound very much like Fibromyalgia which is being exasperated by hormone imbalance.
Two things that have helped me immensely... eating only fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken and wholegrain... gluten free... no sugar, no dairy, no MSG, etc...
Keeping my eyes on the Lord... thanking Him daily and when ever I feel I need to get through a bad spot... talking a walk hourly no matter how hard it is...
Just talk to Him... I find it truly helps.
Hang in there girl....
I haven't seen anyone to diagnose fibromyalgia my mom has it but i dont hurt all the time just seems it started after my last cycle comes and goes. im just so fed up and mornings yes i feel drained not rested tension in my neck and upper back shoulders how we suppose to live like this