Posted , 9 users are following.
I have had itching down below off and on for about six months, just wondering if anyone else has this or perhaps treatment that does not involve steroids......
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Posted , 9 users are following.
I have had itching down below off and on for about six months, just wondering if anyone else has this or perhaps treatment that does not involve steroids......
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Carolyn09280 judy1964
I have this a bit too- on and off - but mine is more of an irritation/burning feeling. I feel like the best treatment is to just leave it alone- avoid baths and soap- and eat healthy (cut out sugar and dairy if you can). This is assuming that it is not a yeast infection as for that you need to seek treatment of some sort.
VAV2018 judy1964
I have this too, but on the outside. Not sure if your's is internal or external itching. Sometimes the itching is very bad 😕 I started to use anti-itch wipes which have helped. I also use creams and ditch the undies when I sleep at night. I have read that we can actually get excema down there, so I'm not sure if that is the issue with me (or you). Everything down below is starting to change - very dry and uncomfortable at times (especially during intimacy). I've also used the Rephresh products in the past and they helped a lot. I hope you are able to find some relief!
judy1964 VAV2018
Thank you for your help...
Marisa02082 VAV2018
I have the same...very dry. ugh
Marisa02082 judy1964
I have had it for years.. 😦 I seriously hate this. I have it on the outside and it's alittle patch that comes and goes and I have tried everything. I went to dermatologist and they did a biopsy and said it came back inflamation. It's only on the left side and it flares up when i get hot or I think because of hormones..or where I am at in my cycle. I havent had a period now for 3 months and it seems like its worse..happens more often. They gave me steriod cream but I dont want to keep putting that on it. I am actually making another docs appointment today to see..maybe it's allergies? Food? If it is hormones which i think maybe the case...what could we do?
2chr2015 Marisa02082
me too. little patch on the left side, comes and goes. i finally decided its bc my urine shoots that way when it comes out and maybe if i'm not being careful when i wipe it stays on there. idk. just my theory. so everytime it happens, i wash the area off with a warm washcloth and try to not let the urine go that way and wipe differently. idk. prob crazy but it seems to help. lol this wonderful world of menopause!
judy1964 2chr2015
Thank you for your help.
2chr2015 judy1964
of course i never had this problem before meno and i've always wiped the sane way. lol but there are certain toilet tissues i can't use anymore either
Marisa02082 2chr2015
omg!! I thought that also about the urine..hahah! Maybe that brings it out> ? geeze..I have no idea...Yes...its been a ride for sure!!!
Escarole Marisa02082
Maybe estrogen topical cream, I tried it once and felt almost instant relief, but it gave me headaches too! There are also non estrogenic internal and external creams. Another option is probiotics to improve the vaginal flora. And the last thing my gyne told me: ozone oil. I ordered it in my pharmacy and looking forward to trying it..
Marisa02082 Escarole
Thank you!!! I will look at ozone oil for sure!! I already ordered some probiotics from this show called Ultimate Health pod cast. It has some great information!! I wonder why its just a patch? Well, I did go back to doc for another referrel and I will try another dermertologist to see what they say. You never know!
Carolyn09280 2chr2015
I have this same issue and had a similar theory- so strange how this happens. Again, on and off for me. Probably related to time in cycle and the sensitivity down there.
judy1964 Carolyn09280
THank you, I seem to worry about everything these days....I have found that vasoline does help a bit..