Itching. Atrophy?

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Hi ladies! I am actually only 22 so im not in menopause, but have some problems going on that lead me to believe my estrogen levels might be off, and I dont know where else to find people who can answer my questions.. This is a lot of TMI so i apologize in advance... I have been on depo provera birthcontrol for over 5 years. About a year ago I experienced my first ever issue with my vagina. I was afraid thinking that my partner cheated on me and gave me something. I was itchy and had a tear in my vaginal skin.. turned out to be nothing and was instructed to use lubricant during sex.. So I have been using this ever since but it is not uncommon for sex to be a little painful and to have spotting after.. I also have itching and irritation that comes and goes, no STDs as I have been tested 3 times this year.. I also have noticed that somedays I feel like I have to pee every hour, but sometimes its normal. it also seems like I have to try extra hard to empty my bladder fully... Another thing I have noticed is that im getting this white clumpy stuff coming out of my pores around the clitoral area. I thinks its normal secreations that are drying and then clumping up? I dont think I had this before but cant find anything about it online, ill attach a picture of what it looks like.... One time the itching got really bad so I went in to the doctor and it ended up being yeast and BV, i did the treatment and it helped a lot but not enough. still itchy. I have gone back twice since then and dont have either infection anymore.... I have made a lot of life style changes which do help quite a bit. I dont wear anything restricting, dont ride my bike anymore, cotton only underwear, toilet paper and laundry soap for sensitive skin, and I use yeast infection cream for a night when the itching gets bad which seems fend it off for about a week... the doctors are no help, they tell me everything looks normal, swab me and then send me on my way.. it takes 3 weeks to get back in but its exhausting to keep going... what do you guys think. To those who are experiencing atrophy, does it seem similar? image

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    maybe if your boyfriend is not circumcised and you could be allergic to sperm. i heard that losts of women have this issue. you should stay away from chocolate too. its not good for you if you get these so offten

  • Posted

    Try wearing panties made out of cotton especially in the groin area . If I wear others it causes irritation even discharge without itching .

    Try pouring vinegar mixed with very little if any water over the area it helps to clear things but if it is irritated dilute or it will Burn.

    Use a lubricant that is water based made just for the area .

    Eat yogurt

  • Posted

    You could try cranberry juice. Supposed to be very beneficial for your lady parts 😊

  • Posted

    You might already be doing this but don't wash the area. You might be removing the flora there

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