Itchy eyes

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Have any of you experienced itchy eyes with peri menopause? Mine will itch then go away then come back . Sometimes only one eye . Right now it's my right eye . 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Renee, i'v had itchy and sore eyes. The top lids get really itchy and I get sore tenderness under my eyes too. I'v had a lot of strange things with my eyes through peri. Blurred vision, puffiness in morning like i'v been crying, pinpoint pupils, extreme light sensitivity and first thing in the morning the light actually causes pain in my eyes.

  • Posted

    Hi im in peri and have bad dry eyes especially the week befor my period then my eye water constantly , go blur and are very scratchy.... Optometrists said its dry eyes fm hormones gave me drops i use.....
  • Posted

    Yes, I have  dry eyes occasional blurriness. Then my eyes will water like crazy for a half day or so.  I'm just glad I have this forum. It has kept me from going nuts and going to the doctor for things that are menopause related. Don't me wrong, I get regular checkups every six months and  see my gyno, cardiologist mammograms, etc. But when my sister was going through menopause, it was a good thing she had decent insurance because she was going from to doctor, after doctor not knowing the her symptoms were menopause related. NOONE told us that menopause is SO MUCH more than hot flashes and mood swings!sad

  • Posted

    Hi there 

    I can identify with you on this one x I went to the GP in January as I had pain in  my eye socket, had eye test to be told my eye sight had improved but eyes were dry x I use optrex mist which helps a little x I have many symptoms coming and going at the mo its pins and needles/prickliness in my hands and feet and convinced myself that I have MS x hope this symptom passes for you x

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