Itchy skin
Posted , 5 users are following.
Has anyone got a solution for itchy skin associated with hormone fluctuation. My arms particularly my left arm is itchy/prickly constantly. I do have other peri symptoms but this is an odd one?? Moisturizing hasn't helped at all.
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Indifferent Willow1992
I was terribly itchy for a year...every where! But especially my calves and breasts. Putting a cup or two of vinegar in my bathwater and soaking brought relief, and so did putting oatmeal in a sock and having bath with that as a washcloth. It gets really gooey and you wash your itches away with the goo. Don't rinse.
Hopefully one of those helps you
Willow1992 Indifferent
I'm trying the oatmeal can only improve. Thank you
Sochima822 Willow1992
Willow1992 Sochima822
lisa42936 Willow1992
I have itchy skin all over, my arms being the worst and prickly as you've described it drives me nuts at times, I take antihistimine when its really bad and use olive oil after a shower and before bed, although greasy until it sinks in it has helped with mine, also eat oily fish and wholegrain nuts a few times a week im sure this has helped me x
Willow1992 lisa42936
Thanks Lisa. I'll try the Olive oil tonight. Soothing to know we aren't alone with these weird symptoms 🎀
lisa42936 Willow1992