Itchy skin

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Has anyone got a solution for itchy skin associated with hormone fluctuation. My arms particularly my left arm is itchy/prickly constantly. I do have other peri symptoms but this is an odd one?? Moisturizing hasn't helped at all.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    I was terribly itchy for a year...every where!  But especially my calves and breasts.  Putting a cup or two of vinegar in my bathwater and soaking brought relief, and so did putting oatmeal in a sock and having bath with that as a washcloth.  It gets really gooey and you wash your itches away with the goo.  Don't rinse.  

    Hopefully one of those helps you


  • Posted

    You can bathe with chamomile water, or you can take an anti-histamine. But finding the right antihistamine is going to going to take a bit of trial and error.  I ended up removing scented detergent and scented soap from my life. 
  • Posted

    I have itchy skin all over, my arms being the worst and prickly as you've described it drives me nuts at times, I take antihistimine when its really bad and use olive oil after a shower and before bed, although greasy until it sinks in it has helped with mine, also eat oily fish and wholegrain nuts a few times a week im sure this has helped me x

    • Posted

      Thanks Lisa. I'll try the Olive oil tonight. Soothing to know we aren't alone with these weird symptoms 🎀

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