Ive been dizzy and stressed for a few months

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Hi, i first started suffering anxiety symptoms around 4 years ago but it was mostly panic in my chest, tight band around my chest and depression, shaking and didnt want to go out. It took around 2 years to completely go and ive been fine since then until january this year. I had a dizzy episode and my blood pressure was slightly raised and this made me panic so much that i was making it worse. I had at least 4 nights lack of sleep. Doc gave me a short course of diazepam which help calm u down. Started to ease after around 2 months until we went  away and our daughter had a seizure which led to 6 more seizures and she was airlifted to hospital in Cornwall. I have been a mess ever since. Shes fine but i keep watching her in case it happens again, i keep going dizzy and my ears feel blocked but doc sayas they are fine. Every time i start to feel better my daughter has another moment where i think she is going to fit and i start panicking all over again and worrying about my blood pressure. I am 45 and think im getting menopause symptoms. Would like to hear of other peoples symptoms to compare. I feel like i need constant reassurance that im going to be ok. Keep thinking theres something seriously wrong with me. I eat fairly healthy, i eat a lot of spinach and avocados etc. I get head tremors some times and get spotting and my periods are sometimes a day early and last a bit longer. Feel like im scared to get in shower in case i go dizzy. I never used to be like this, was always strong

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lea1970

    You may want to explore Borrelia as a possible cause of your daughter's seizures and your symptoms. A specialised pathology in the US can test the blood. Borrelia can be passed from generation to generation (not just insects) presenting with different symptoms. There are FB sites with info if you type in Borrelia or the other more common name of the disease. Good news is that it can be treated.

    • Posted

      Hi Laura, thankyou for your reply.No it wouldnt be that, my daughter hs mild cerebral palsy and has had these moments since she started her periods and we were told that the cerebral palsy may lead to epilepsy in later life so we knew it could happen but just didnt realise it would be so traumatic to watch. Its awful seeing her go through it. But according to the epilepsy nurse, the tablets are nearly controlling it, just got to get the dose right. But thankyou anyway
    • Posted

      I'm glad your daughters seizures are improving with treatment. Medication stopped my friend's epileptic episodes. Nothing worse than seeing your child suffer (heartbreaking). My family and I have Borrelia (grandmother passed it on). I thought the treatment for the Borrelia wasn't working when I started experiencing abdominal bloating, indigestion, increased dizziness/anxiety/chest tightness/sleep apnea etc. Am glad I found this forum to see that these symptoms can be due to perimenopause. I guess I have to remind myself and others that perimenopause doesn't last forever.
  • Posted

    lea, your symptoms, and when they started, really do sound to me like you are in perimenopause. Most people are at your age. And at my age! (I am 51). I think the anxiety sounds the worst for you. You are going to be okay; I do think you really have to prioritize your health for the next, like, decade, and then on after that!!  I have a friend who didn't want to go out, just like you, but now she's over it. I had depression and anxiety in the weeks before my period. Maybe you could keep a diary of your symptoms and figure out how they relate to your period, and the hormonal waves. I had really strong estrogen dominance (you can look it up) and I use progesterone cream to 
    • Posted

      heehee I entered by mistake, and now I am replying to myself to continue my message. I use progesterone cream to balance it off. Usually our progesterone falls before our estrogen, and the imbalance makes for heavier periods and worse pms. 

      A lot of people recommend Menopace on this forum as a supplement. And exercise has got to be the most recommended thing to help symptoms. Also reduce alcohol, caffeine, sugar. I have never experienced dizziness except as a consequence of anemia, so I don't have any advice, really, except you might ask your doctor if you can be referred to a neurologist. But tons of people experience dizziness during menopause, so the neurologist probably won't find anything. But he might be cute, you never know (if it's a he, and if that's what ya like!)

      Courage to you lea, you aren't alone. This is a great place to go to vent, women on this forum are so nice and supportive.

    • Posted

      Jennifer, I just wanted to thank you for your reply to lea. I am going through horrible bouts of depression and anxiety due to perimenopause and it is so debiliatating some days. I have been going to drs for the symptoms, but so far nothing is working that well. This forum has been wonderful to come to too and makes me feel like I am not alone and going crazy in this battle with peri. Thanks to all of you ladies on here, you are a true Godsend to me when I am doing bad and feel like no one gets what going through this is like. smile
    • Posted

      I have also been having trouble with anxieties and depression. Yes anxieties are hard then crying and just wanting to hide away thats how I feel. 

      All weekend did not go out at all cried and slept all day 

    • Posted

      Susan, I am so, so sorry you are going through all that. I can very much releate how horrible those feelings are. Have you tried going to a Doctor to get some hormone testing done or to a therapist? I have and it was hard to even go to the appts, but it does help. Please know you are not alone. My thoughts go out to you... Keep in touch if you ever feel the need. smile
    • Posted

      Yes I have talked to my doctors just couldn't handle it over the weekend Just wanted to stay home and hide away
  • Posted

    Hi lea

    It is awful having anxieties and not sleeping well then having your daughter get sick just adds more stress to your anxieties and blood pressure. 

    I'm so sorry to hear that your daughter has seizures it must be hard. I'm so sorry you are having a lot of anxieties and stress with this and that you have been feeling dizzy. 

    You should get checked out by your doctor because if your blood pressure is up that could be the reason why you are having the dizziness 

    You may need to be on blood pressure

  • Posted

    Lea, so sorry are going through this. I'm 45 also and when you wrote that "I feel like i need constant reassurance that im going to be ok." I compleatly get that. I feel that exact way too when my perimenopause symptoms hit. It's so unnerving and scary, because I felt strong in the past also. From what you are saying about the dizziness, have you been checked to see if you are anemic? I was and that helped alot with the dizziness. I also have a couple months of feeling better from past anxiety attacks and hormonal imbalances, then bam!, out of the blue I get them again and it is so frustrating! I have found much comfort in reading fellow womens posts on this forum. It helps me feel that I am not alone in going through this. It's pretty great that we can all support each other here without actually ever having physically met. My thoughts go out to you and your daughter. And we are here for you smile
    • Posted

      Thankyou so much for your reply, it really helps to hear other stories and know that you are not the only one. My sister is 49 and has had a blood test and shes post menopausal and im getting the same symptoms as her so it does sound as if its that. It justs makes me miserable, iwant to wake up one day and be full of life and energy and be back to normal.
    • Posted

       "It justs makes me miserable, iwant to wake up one day and be full of life and energy and be back to normal." I couldn't have said it better myself! wink

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