Ive started memopause at 44 year old

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hi. i have been told of my GP that i am going through the Memo pause. i had a cycle on January 3rd 2019 in feb didnt have a Period and did not have a Period in March nor one in April. Started bleeding 3rd of May for 5 days and then started bleeding again on 11th of May. Can you tell me if this normal when going through Memo pause to have two bleeds in the same month. any advice would be great for me as really do not know what to expect. thanks. jobygirl..

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hellooo my dear

    yes its normal.

    me too having 2 periods in same month..one at 5 march and other at 26 march..Its normal i think.. During Peri menopause our Harmone levels fluctuate rapidly and our period patter changes..

    me too experience this..first my period become light then i started missing them then again normal and now they become very heavy and eratic.

    Take care

    Good luck for ur Peri journey

  • Posted

    im doing the same some months two periods in same month heavy at times then other times they go a day longer been doing this for awhile never know how its gonna be or when its coming

  • Posted

    Hi Jobigirl,

    I have the same issue. I skipped period in Feb, then had 2 "mini periods" in March, 2 weeks apart. Back to normal in April. This month I had some spotting mid-cycle... waiting to see how that will play out.

    Nothing unusual has showed up in tests or scans. I will say having the scans has helped my peace of mind...anxiety at this time is the worst!!

    Good Luck, and we're walking through it with you... reach out any time!!



  • Edited

    I have been having hot flashes for 8 months and heavy periods every 21 days for over two years. I have yet to miss a period. I'm ready! If I have all these horrible symptoms, I should at least get a break with my periods!!!! Not fair!

  • Posted

    Thank you. For all your lady's for telling me about your periods and Memo pause. i will be seeing my GP tomorrow at 4.45pm and will tell her what is happing to me. I still have bleeding today which is very heavy feel really tired with it at moment but will see if my doctor will do scan for it or give me HRT because i do not know wheather to take it or not as i have bad flushes day and night time which is a night mare to me. So will let you know my update tomorrow night after seeing my doctor. thank you all of your help and advice as it is really helpful for me. thank you. jobygirl. 😀

  • Posted

    Yes, it's normal. In March, I had heavy bleeding for 12 days, then, five days later, I had another heavy period for 8 days. I saw my GP after having blood work done, and everything came back normal. No issues; it's just perimenopause.

    • Posted

      hi bev. thanks for your message. i will be seeing my GP today at 5.15pm so will see what she says to me. i did get told im going through start of memo pause which is a shame as tryed ivf 6 times and never been pregnant and my age and this will be even harder for me to have childern . never mind i can go through adoption sometime. let you know later with whats said. thanks bev. jobygirl. 😃

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