Jaw and ear pain /perimenapause

Posted , 6 users are following.

Has anyone have jaw and ear pain that comes and goes,been having this for a few months and I'm in perimenapause I saw on the 66 symptoms of perimenapause that you can have teeth pain. 

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi yes I've had ear pain on and off and teeth discomfort, I'm in peri also, I'm now suddenly getting cold sores and acne which I never had before, there seems to be so many of symtoms, and it's all supposed to be natural! Lol x

    • Posted

      Hi Hayley, 

      This been happening on and off for a few months I also get jaw pain, do you get jaw pain also.

  • Posted

    YES! So crazy, just another of the things I didn’t know to expect from this super fun time of life!!
  • Posted

    No but my ears ring. Sounds like crickets at night in my ears all day long 
  • Posted

    I had jaw and ear pain and it turned out to be TMJ diagnosed by my dentist and doctor. You could also be grinding your teeth when sleeping. You could try jaw exercises or a mouth guard at night. Try looking up TMJ on this website and see if the symptoms sound like yours.
  • Posted

    Yes and it drives me nuts.  Had my ears checked.. of course they are fine.  And yes I have jaw pain off and on

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