Jaw Pain like i have never felt before

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Hi ladies...I am hoping someone can help me with this worry. I will start from the beginning.

About ten years ago I had a root canal done on one of my top left molars...due to a toothache. For many years after it would cause pain and my face would hurt, for a few days around my period.

Two years ago I finally had it pulled because it seemed to really be bothering me all the time. But getting it pulled didn't stop the 'toothache'

Fast forward to the past month...We bought a hot tub. Started with Bromine but i reacted to it with burning skins and especially in my genital area within two days so we switched right over to chlorine. I started getting headaches within a few days of using it but didn't even think about the hot tub being the cause. Finally about a week ago, I got out of the hot tub and my face swelled and I felt like I had been viciously assaulted...lol. So I stayed out of the hot tub and the headache subsided...but as usual my jaw still ached. I have not gone in the hot tub since.

Then last night...Oh my Lord...it brought me to my knees. It was like a nerve pain that I have never felt before. Came on for two minutes at a time...and it was so bad that I was almost in tears but I am tougher than that...so I just sat on the sofa and bounced my legs tried to alleviate the horrendous pain. It was as bad as labour...maybe worse. When i tried to lay down it came back over and over with a vengence. I finally decided to try and sleep sitting up.

Today I have a dull ache in my jaw as usual...and the back of my neck/head has a tension to it that is not quite a headache.

Have any of you experienced this?

I am definitely going to see both my dentist and doctor next week. I have not been to my doctor in many years....lol he is going to be shocked to see me. But i cannot live with this pain. There is absolutely no way. I have never felt anything that excrutiating in my life. And quite frankly...after reading google i am little scared

Thanks for listening.

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    hi there indifferent - oh, i am so sorry for your pain - it sounds like trigeminal neuralgia. i have known a few people who have had it & it is excruciating pain. unfortunately, you do need to take an Rx to get the nerve to settle down. i do know that menopause causes our nervous system to go bonkers & the burning sensation you experienced probably is a result of menopause & not the chlorine in your hot tub. i suffer from burning body parts that came on for me since entering menopause, along with my anxiety that just makes the nerve/burning thing so much worse. i hope you find relief from your horrible nerve pain, that has got to be a big OUCH!

    • Posted

      yes...unfortunately that is my exact thought as well...and I am hoping against hope that it is anything but that! I will not take those meds...I have seen what they have done to my epileptic brother and I will not allow that to happen to me. my first route will be surgery if they allow it..and I will take those risks first. some meds are just not worth it at all. Anyway.

      .first thing is getting a diagnoses. because I most definitely cannot deal with that kind of pain.

  • Posted

    I get the pain in Jaw NOT quite that bad, I pray it gets much better. You lucky your doctor will see you after a few years. Here if the doctor hadn't seen you within one year they drop you and will not see you again!

    • Posted

      I have been told before that a doctor will drop you if you dont go in for over a year...hopefully my doctor loves me...😄

  • Posted

    It sounds like you were experiencing some type of severe migraine. I get migraines and tension headaches sometimes and the pain can be in your jaw like that. For me it starts in the back of the head and radiates to my neck and then to my jaw and the side of my head. It's awful. Have you tried taking an otc migraine medicine? The can shoot through your jaw like that. I'm so sorry that you are having such a hard time. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    • Posted

      It could have been. I have been having a lot of trouble with headaches the last few weeks. I really don't know the difference between a migraine and a head ache...never had these issues much before now. had some stages through this at different times but much worse this time around...and with facial swelling at times the past couple of weeks. I sure hope it is nothing more than migraines. Thanks for letting me know they can affect my jaw that way.

  • Posted

    Sounds like your going to need another reboot canal or tooth pulled, maybe right next to the one you had out already.. The nerve pain any nerve pain really can yes most definitely bring you to your knees.. I would try orajel and crush an asprin and rub on the tooth in front and behind the one you had pulled.. Hope you get relief soon.

    • Posted

      thanks! I did try oral gel last night...it didn't do anything. my husband happened to have it in his truck because someone gave it to him for tooth pain he was having a few weeks ago. The asprin I will definitely try if it happens again. That was truly a horrific experience!

    • Posted

      You are right on the money...wise woman! went to see my dentist today...and I definitely do need a root canal on the tooth right behind the one I got pulled!

    • Posted

      hi Indifferent - As much as i am sorry that u have to have another root canal, i am glad it can be fixed & isnt something else like transgeminal neuralgia - hope she gave u some pain Rx's -

    • Posted

      Transgeminal neuralgia was my biggest fear! I would rather deal with a tumor or something if it was going to be serious. I am very relieved it is a root canal. Advil seems to be holding it at bay...as long as I keep it on schedule and don't let the inflammation build. relieved!!!

  • Posted

    hi indifferent - you know, i was thinking about this, & i remember about a year ago, i had really bad jaw pain (on my left side, of course) it wasnt on one tooth , but my whole bottom lower jaw. i was away at a wedding & it hurt me so much i had to leave the reception & i remember waking up & thinking that my face was swollen,I had a few more bouts of it, but nothing like that night & havent had it again since - so maybe it is just a menopause symptom

    • Posted

      I would be SO happy if thats all it is! I am going to look into it. I took advil this afternoon and am due for another...feeling it creeping up the back of my neck again...not due for another advil for at least a half hour. hoping that it is just migraines of some kind. I am going to see my chiropractor this week and see. if a neck adjustment helps. thank you for sharing that! we always tend to think the worst right? This would be so relieving.

    • Posted

      HI - i know how we can get ourselves so worked up over things, but teeth/jaw aches as well as unusual headaches is listed in the 66 symptoms of peri/menopause...who would of thunk??? Hope you feel better -

    • Posted

      Went to dentist today and found out it is most likely because I need a root canal in the tooth right next to the one I got pulled...so hopefully that solves this whole issue. At first I though it was general peri stuff too...but in the past week knew it was more. It takes a LOT to get me in to a doctor or dentist. lol!

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