Joint pain!!!
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Hello anyone else experiencing bad swollen joint pain with the menopause??? I do have R.A. but this is not a flare up, my fingers (thumbs) look like sausages chronically swollen .. And does the winter make your joints hurt worse? My heat has been running a lot with the deep freeze we are in at the moment, and I'm getting no relief. When I get out of bed the bottoms of my feet feel like I'm walking on rocks! And the frozen shoulder pain ugh!! Anyone else with the terrible joint pain/swollen.. What do you do for relief, and what makes it worse.. I feel so awful 😭
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littleme1969 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 littleme1969
Thanks I'm glad to hear you're feeling a bit better these days! This joint pain is no joke , I can't wait to get feeling better myself..
Mamaw08 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 Mamaw08
Thanks mamaw , everything hurting on me too these days , hoping it's all peri as well, and winter cold making it much worse! Hope you find relief soon..
suzanne_0411 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy, I don't have swelling, but definitely joint/body pain, some days more than others but with this cold it has been worse, especially my hands. They are actually tender when I put any kind of squeezing pressure. Doesn't help that I am on a computer all day at work
Gypsy014 suzanne_0411
Sochima822 Gypsy014
I recall i had that, i felt like a skeleton walking on bone, my doctor put me calcium pills. Cured the walking issue, I also took glucosamine chondroitin, a good quality one, and that helped with the arthritis. Vitamin c also helps. Maybe try taking some of these supplements, especially the calcium and hopefully you'll feel better.
suzanne_0411 Sochima822
Sochima822 suzanne_0411
What brand of what? For calcium buy the oyster shell type, for vitamin C, but the Acerola type, it's natural made from fruit, for the Glucosamine Chondroitin, I bought one called Flex, has a man figure running, in a blue bottle. If something bothers your stomach it means you need to eat when taking it. Regular vitamin c does that, but not Acerola. Same with calcium & Glucosamine Chondroitin. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
Gypsy014 Sochima822
beth12460 Gypsy014