Joint pain & hot sweats!!!!

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Had my bloods done 10days ago B12. Went for the results this morning. I was shocked when they came back normal. I'm so tired, joints painful, night sweats, irritable the list is endless. I no im on the change had no period now for 5 months. I am taking a vitamin supplement for the menopause, don't think they are helping. My GP asked me to think about HRT. She also suggested vitamins for my joint pain. Can anybody recommend any? Thanks 😊

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9 Replies

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    Maybe ask your GP about Menopace or seeing a dietician to help identify what you need during this phase.  But HRT may well help if your Dr says it's okay for you in regards to your medical and family history.  Some say glucosamine helps but do you research and ask pharmacists for their opinions too.  smile 
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    Hello Penny, I found that codliver oil with evening primrose helps with joint pains and swimming helps.
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    Hello penny Smith,

    I have had all the symptoms you have mentioned plus more. For my joint pains, since I started taking calcium with osteo bi flex with 5 loxin advanced in the last few days, it has improved dramatically with. Even though I still have the severe hot and cold flushes, it's manageable. Like the older ladies keep telling me, it will all pass one day so be of good courage and hang in there. We are all in it together and shall surely get over it. Stay strong.

  • Posted

    Hi Penny,

    You need to continue with vitamin supplementation. During menopause, these changes are expected. HRT contains hormones, so before starting with HRT you must check for your family history. Also HRT does have its own side effects. For joint pains, just rule out other cause such as RA factor for safety. Do Yoga, meditation and regular exercise to improve health.

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      Thanks for the info, yes my GP told me to do Pilates.
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    I had terrible joint pain and hot flashes.  The flashes started the week I went of birth control and the join pain started about 3 months later.  I suffered for about 10 months with the same symptoms as you.  My doctor had refused to give me any HRT and put me on a diet and supplements.  I tried everything.  Fish Oil, glucosimine, Estreven, I could go on and on.  I was in pain every day.  I finally made an appointment to see my sister's doctor.  It took me 3 months to get in to see her.  That was 8 weeks ago.   She ran blood tests and asked about my history.  Final verdict:  She put me on  low dose HRT called Memvey.  I told her I wanted the lowest dose possible.  On day 21 of taking the HRT, I woke up with no joint pain.  I was afraid to say anything until te 3rd day.  Then I couldn't shut up about how great I felt.  I joined a new health center and have started a weight lifting program, and pretty intense workout program.  I just keep thinking how great it is to feel good!  I know this isn't the answer for everyone, and may not work for you.  Maybe the low carb, low sugar diet will.  I am doing that also to help lose the belly fat I had gained.  Try everything and see what works for you.  Good luck.

  • Posted

    Hi penny, I know exactly how you feel. My joints use to get so stiff I felt 100 years old. My Dr recommended coQ10,and I have to say they are a lot better not 100% but so much better, you may want to look into it. Maybe it will help you too, I just wanted to pass this info to you because I know how lousy you truly sucks. Well hang in there and I wish you good luck!
  • Posted

    I feel for you.  I am 20 years beyond that point now, but then I had a responsible full time job and could not have coped without HRT.   I tried many things to no avail.  HRT gave me back my good health and I never looked back through my working life and retired at 60.  Downside though is coming off them when and if you chose to.  For me I still have to go through those symtoms without some form of HRT.  I have tried but cannot manage.  Upside though I am 70 and fit and healthy walking dogs twice a day and swimming almost daily.. Just thought I would post this as it is an important consideration when contemplating HRT.  (no one warned me when I started taking HRT but then I guess it was 20 years ago)

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