Joint pains in menopause
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What supplements can I take during the menopause and which ones can be taken together? I've just started using serenity cream and often take evening primrose oil which others are best to take please?
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trudy77450 cathy88329
cathy88329 trudy77450
lulu99310 cathy88329
I am 56 and i have been taking one tablet daily of
1.Red clover 1000mg
2.Primrose oil 1000mg
3.Magnesium 500mg
4.Perfectil skin hair and nails
5.Glucosamine and chondroiton 1000mg
6.Vitamin E maxi strength
7.Super garlic capsules
8.Selenium & Zinc
I also drink daily the juice of 2 whole lemons in a mug of hot water but i have to add canderel sweetners ! 4 in fact.
I don,t touch alcohol or ciggarettes or take drugs except one nurofen plus if i get back ache or a headache.
cathy88329 lulu99310
susan21149 cathy88329
My opinion is stay away from HRT because putting more hormones into your body can cause more symptoms
cathy88329 susan21149
shaznay96184 cathy88329
Some ladies who have gone the hole 'natural/no HRT' route can give fantastic advice on here.
Me: like you I'm using serenity progesterone cream - now are you finding that?
I'm also a total convert to Menopace Original. What has it done for me?
Made aching joint pain 100% better. That's been great.
Overall mood improved. Don't feel weepy and feel much more 'in control'
Don't get out flushes - whether thats anything to do with what I'm taking or not, not sure, but I'm bloody grateful!!
Still can get up during the night up to 4 times for a week, so not sure if I technically class that as 'insomnia'. But I'd slept without getting up for 6hrs the other night. I knew that by remembering my last trip to the loo ha, h:-) !! I'd love a few more of them please.
Having said that I very rarely feel tired during the day, feel quite energetic. Only exception to this is I can feel knackered/fatigued as I start to come on: to be expected I suppose.
Trying a top-up of Magnesium: not sure as yet. Don't want to over-do the 'vits'-thing. I'd be very happy to stick with the Menopace cos I've felt so much better since taking it.
Maybe give that a try?
Good Luck
cathy88329 shaznay96184