Just been told I was in Menopause 1 1/2years ago!!!

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In Nov 13 my doctor agreed to test my hormone levels to see whether I was still in pre menopause and when I received call back, all I was told was that I was anaemic. I asked about the hormones and all I was told was that the doctor hadn't flagged anything else so I must be fine!!!! In the past few months my symptoms have worsened and so I took myself back to the GP and saw a different doctor who, when checking my notes, told me that the tests undertaken showed full blown menopause! I feel cheated that I've had to get on with life, putting on weight and feeling like s**t with no clue as to what to do! He still didn't give me an answer and just told me to read up on it and go back when I'd decided whig route I wanted to take, ie whether to go herbal, HRT or not sure what else!

I have just turned 49 and my periods more or less stopped coming up for 2 years ago. Thank you for taking time to read this. I'm probably over reacting ( so my mother said..... "What would you do if you'd been told you had cancer, kills yourself?") but I'm really upset xxx

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    No you are NOT overreacting!! I would feel angry and cheated too! There is simply not enough understanding or empathy or information out there for women and many - too many - docs do not care or are in too big of a hurry to decipher symptoms correctly. Nothing as bad as your situation but I, too, suffered unnecessarily at the hands of docs who blamed everything on depression, even pain! I was put on more and more antidepressants with no relief. I suspected peri and was told my ranges were within normal. It wasn't until - in desperation - I abandoned the medical field I loved and worked within for years (not just a patient) and went to a naturopath to find out the ranges most docs use are too broad and it matters at what time of month/your cycle the tests is done. And it's best to look over a range of years - see where your levels were when you felt GOOD and where are they now. Well, not only was i in peri, I had low functioning thyroid too!y naturopathic doc saved my life in many ways. Now, I still see my GP but I see my NP too and I read and get information any way I can to help THEM diagnose and treat me. This forum had been an awesome source of info and friendship! Glad you are here. Try not to look back because there is nothing that we can do to change the lost time and unnecessary suffering. Just go forward with hope. Sending you hugs and glad you're here! Btw, are you in the US? I ask only because I find US docs esp behind the 8 ball on menopause when compared to our sisters across the Pond in the Uk. Xo Kim
    • Posted

      Thank you so much what an amazing reply! I was given antidepressants too at the point where he tested my levels but didn't give me results! I have now read that prescribing Citalopram is also an alternative to prescribing HRT! I would have been good to know that's what he was doing!

      I'm in London. Thank you so much for your kind words. I've obviously turned to the right place! Xxx

  • Posted

    Hi there, oh aren't mums lovely! I have a very similar unhelpful mother who gives no advice or guidance on menopause, only that I'm much younger than her to go through it and how she had no bother at all with it. Thing is, I remember overhearing years ago that she was on HRT for over 10 years. Maybe she just forgot or doesn't care. I'm trying to focus on me more and her less. I understand your feelings about the incompetent Doctor, but look at it this way, you've been coping without any medication or HRT all this time so now you know things are just going to get better for you once you read up and inform yourself on what's available and the root you wish to take. You have lots of options so take your time and consider them. Be kind to yourself, think of how amazing you must be to have coped with nothing. All the very best to you, onwards and upwards. XX
    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your reply, I feel so supported already! He did prescribe a mild antidepressant at the time which I have now read on this website is an alternative treatment when not prescribing HRT! He just didn't tell me. I also stopped taking it as I didn't think I was depressed and that may be why the M symptoms having been coming back with a vengeance! If I'd been given all the information then it would have been different! Now I dont know whether to just go back on the Citalopram or look into other routes! Yes I have kind of been coping with it but it hasn't been great! Good to know there was a reason! Xxx
  • Posted

    Hi Crochet.  It looks like you were not informed but we are full meno after 1 year without a period :S  but most women here start bad symptoms much before they stop their periods, so lucky you smile as your doctor said you will need to choose your route  That will depend on your level of symptoms and if they are bearable or not.  This forum has tons of info that will help you to decide, keep reading.  Welcome and good luck.
    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your kind reply. Yes I will have to do lots of reading! I've already read a little and realised that he did prescribe anti depressants which are sometimes prescribed as an alternative to HRT but he didn't tell me!!

      Anyway, forwards and upwards! Thanks again xxx

  • Posted

    Doctors.........I rarely see them.  Hormone tests........I've read so many posts from ladies who've either been told they're inconsistent or giving odd readings, I'm not sure if I'll even bother asking for one!

    I can only say: how lucky were you to have gone to see a different Doc?!  What makes me wild is that they're reluctant to tell you the results of a basic blood test over the phone, and when you get there weeks later for an appointment, they just tell you the basics, or 18mths later, in your case, grrrrr!!

    Half of me is completely with you on the 'annoyed' side, but the other is completely envious.  Best way to look at it is that you're out of Peri, and on the home straight!

    And as for your mum:  I did laugh a bit, because that sounds the sort of 'straight as a die' comment my mum would have shot back at me!!!!

    You sit back with a cuppa, have a think and weight up your options as to what you'll need to get you to the 'Winner's Post'.

    Hang in there Girl....you're almost there!!


    • Posted

      Haha S, your lovely post made me laugh and also shed a little smiley tear!

      At the time of the test I received a call within 24hrs to say to come in and get a prescription for iron tablets! So I then asked after the hormone level tests and the receptionists reply was doctor didn't flag anything so they must be ok!! I didn't question anything at the time so it was quite a shock when yesterday I heard the doctor say quite matter of factly oh yes the levels were high and showed you were definitely in menopause! I'm still cross when I write this!

      I didn't get much support from my husband ( very English, he probably thought "too much information" lol) didn't reply to my text even a little X would have sufficed!

      Anyway thank you for making me smile this morning xxx

  • Posted

    I would have felt cheated if my doctor did that to me You have a right to be angry and upset 

    I would be angry myself too 


    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply Susan, as I replied to another lovely comment, I felt like I should go back to my clinic and get a reply and a bit more help rather than go and read a website and chose what you want to take!!! My sister was horrified when I told her!!


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