Just me?
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symptoms go from one extreme to the other but never good days. Am i the only one who doesn't even enjoy the days that symptoms are manageable? like theyre there but tolerable because thats the new normal but you dont even enjoy that little break because you know hell is right around the corner...flu symptoms, chills sweats muscle tightness dry mouth bad taste in mouth suicidal thiughts uncontrollable thoughts
over stimulation crying irritability rage detachment from family and friends .... the list goes on. So i find im a b***h and hopeless even on the days that symptoms are manageable:( Or i obsessively keep thinking on how to maintain it even tho I know I cant.
Also i find im constantly thinking of my life, my life as a child , teenager....
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Sassyr12a susan39015
It's not just you Susan, I remember feeling like I was carrying a storm in my head, with no control over my emotions, my mind or my body, its terrible. I'm on hrt and it helped so much, without it I was an absolute basket case and could hardly function. I think it's normal to reflect on your life, family, childhood etc when times are hard it always seems to happen. I wish I could make you feel better, but each journey is unique. All I can say is that there is hope, you'll come through it but in the meantime just treat yourself like you would a best friend, and go easy xx
Guest susan39015
Exactly like you said!
I'm not the same person I used to be. I'd describe myself as a chronically ill woman, even though my doc declared me 'perfectly healthy'.
It really sucks.
Every once in a while I feel a little better and have energy but then I quickly clean my house. It never lasts.
Of course now I have frozen shoulder again so even cleaning is difficult.
Will it ever end?
juanita93228 susan39015
Susan you are not alone. My faith has been my saving grace. I am on antidepressant and they help. HRT didn't agree with me so that's not an option. All you can do is try your best to enjoy the good days and push/pray through the bad. I'm almost nine years post menopause but had no symptoms until four years after my period stopped. I thought I was losing my mind(I still do sometimes). The symptoms come and go but they stay gone for a longer period of time. All of May and part of June were good. But I'm grateful to be alive. I had thoughts of ending things too. But my Lord and Savior got me through that. Besides it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I want you to live. It will get better. You can PM me if you just want to talk.🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤
jamie37119 susan39015
I feel the same way. HRT is NOT an option nor are anti-depressants. To be absolutely honest with you, I think it is more about holding onto hope and getting through each day currently. I hate these symptoms too...no day is good anymore. Even had a friend turn around and say to me....go start walking every day, lose some weight . I do walk, I can't help the weight gain and I hurt a lot when I walk even though I do it. I have hot flashes almost daily, or so called flashes of pain, weakness, shortness of breath, heat, shakes, irregular heartbeat etc.... this is no way of life but I hold hope that it will balance out once this is all over. Here is to hoping.
Jaynie12 susan39015
hell i coulda wrote that myself. i started this crap 2 years after my period stopped. got up one morning and there i was in hell..its been that way ..but what got me was the always reflecting on the past all of a sudden. i was like what im dying?? so i am remembering all of this?? i have no idea how lack of hormones can do this or even why. all i onow is im sick of being sick everyday. i push myself to work my butt off all day so im so exhausted at night cuz come 4 pm it hits real bad ...i stick with this forum and post as much as i can and at times its giving me some hope..thank u for ur post also ..i really thought then end was near and or i was totally nuts. ..good luck. hang in there .stick with this forum.
bev27429 susan39015
Susan, we are definitely kindred spirits! I understand you completely, and I have had the same symptoms as you. All I can do is push ahead, stay engaged in life, keep hope alive, and know, in my heart, that one day this will be over.
This forum has been an absolute lifeline for me!
I had no idea that anything could be this AWFUL, TERRIFYING, and SOUL DESTROYING!