Just need to have a rant
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So far this new year has not been a happy one for me, am tired of feeling nauseous with no appetite. i now also have bad back ache and toothache to top it all. so feed up with my hormones making me so ill. just need to know i am not alone.
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Guest ruth24048
You arent alone!! The first day of the new year i felt good and i was hoping maybe this year will be better, but then two days later the rollercoaster ride started again. My stomach feels bubbly and jittery and the thought of food doesnt even appeal to me on most days 😦 I wish this hormone crap would go away!
Brittay123 ruth24048
your not alone!! I have been going through a lot of the same things! 😦((( especially pain/aches in my lower back and both hips. on top of that I have severe health anxiety! hugs!!
sara97862 ruth24048
Hi Ruth,
You are not alone, my friend.
Lately I feel like I am first-trimester pregnant again. Food doesn't even begin to sound good until evening time, and even then my mouth is so dry almost everything tastes the same. I am living off fresh fruit and soup.
Recently had a ruptured ovarian cyst...felt for days like I had pelvic surgery with no anesthesia. The pain meds were fine for my pelvis, not so great for my digestion.
I am so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!! My anxiety is so high, I can't even read or watch my usual favorites... get too keyed up.
So, as I pace around the house praying, I will put in a good word for you too.
Live and light to you, dear.
Finny2018 ruth24048
You are not alone, Ruth. For me... having this forum has given me so much comfort to know that what I am feeling and going through is all hormonal - yet it was so scary and unsettling at times! I have had so many symptoms. I had a back ache for almost 3 weeks a few months ago - all new never had it before. Then my front teeth ached for about 15 days. I lost my appetite for about 3 weeks during the month of July - again - I've not experienced any of these symptoms before my first missed period in July. I have been to the emergency room, urgent care, multiple blood tests, numerous scans, the list goes on. Once I found this 66 symptom list on this forum and started reading the posts I couldn't believe that hormones could cause so many physical and emotional symptoms. The women who've come through or who have found relief with supplements, creams, hrt, anti - depressants etc are the ones that gave me such inspiration to keep trying things until I would find some relief. I am so sorry you are struggling - know that we all can completely empathize with how you are feeling. Take care.
sn21848 Finny2018
Yeah when someone says they have hot flashes I think that is all you have. I am the same way. I'm sure I could check off most of the symptoms on the list and I am post menopause. I never had hot flashes I get cold.
katyD211 ruth24048
Dear Ruth..you are sooooo not alone. I'm here tonight because of symptoms. Holiday is over and i must return to my 5th graders in 7 hours but I am wide awake. Lately its been side of knee and hip pain. My son helps me stretch because he's sure it is IT band syndrome. Cant get a drs appt til 2 months from now. Yep, th his meno and peri stuff affects us in ways i never dreamed it could.
In October i had a horrible toothache that grew into a gum infection ...such fun. Praying this pain tonight is hormonal because i feel it jump around my temples, eyebones and across my nose. Maybe sinuses??
So i took a hot shower...should've been cooler because of peri dry skin issues, but it felt wonderful; took a melatonin tablet and now about to lay back with my heated eye mask and hope it all goes away.
Do what makes you feel relaxed. Knowing you're not alone or losing your mind helps me a lot.
sn21848 ruth24048
I told my therapist that this forum keeps me from feeling all alone in my crappiness and miserable semi functioning body and brain. To be honest I really don't want anyone else to have to experience what i have to experience. I wish a series of studies would come out with a magic treatment for all of us. Take care.