Just need to vent!...

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Hi Ladies, well I'm here again...sorry if I'm being a P in the A 😲 I feel a nuisance. My last post was only a few days ago, thinking I was on the up n up, but after several good days I'm feeling totally yuk & blah again. Hot feeling in face, funny woozy head, sickly stomach...just really off, inside I'm screaming "WT*!?! when's it all going to stop!" am so over this recurring sh**!!! The ranting the raving the tears....the many expletives I've used, why can't these good days just be the norm, permanent. I've been told to ignore it, get over it etc HUH! easier said than done sometimes when you feel like your last days have come or maybe your head will explode or maybe you'll collapse in a major spin-out! OMG aaargggghh!! 😡

Ok I'm done, sorry.

Take Care

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Bobbins059,

    You are not a pain in the A, you are just a woman who is going through some s***, as we all are at this time in our lives.  You are not alone.  I, too, have been feeling really down in the last few days, crying my heart out, hot flushes, hot sweats at night, all the stuff.  I am now coming out of it, having spent the last few days and nights at my worst.  Someitmes, you need to let it all out and cry.  Do I have any answers?  Aside from taking the vits, B vitamins are good, especially B6, but spending a bit of time on your own if you can manage it and looking deep inside, maybe doing a bit of yoga - have a look on youtube, yoga is my salvation - I have had a strained knee muscle which sent me into stress mode as I thought I had DVT and went to the walk in clinic as I was so stressed - LOL!  I nearly cried in front of the Dr.  Was so relieved that it wasn't that, but it has meant that my real crutch, yoga has not been with me for several days.  Yoga is all about the breathe, breathing is what we don't do properly when we are stressed, we breathe shallowly, you need to breathe deeply.  Meditation is good, but yoga is a way of meditating without realising it.  You breathe into the stretch and your body will appreciate it too, so much!  We create so much stress and tension in our muscles, when you do yoga it kind of takes all the tension out of your body.  You do not to be an athlete to do yoga, you just need to do it and do your best, no stress, no competition.  It stops the screaming, you get into a place and breathe and relax.  Have a look at youtube.  Yin yoga is all about relaxing and not doing loads of athletic stuff, have a look at that, it is about stretching out the muscles and staying in a pose that anyone can do with lots of cushions/blankets to help you relax.  Give it a go my love, and when you feel like screaming, as we all do, try and take a big deep breathe and then a really long breathe out, as much as you can breathe out, then you will breath in when you need to, the breathe out is the main thing, it is like screaming, but just lets your body go in a differnet way.  Give it a try.  Especially Yin Yoga, it is so relaxing   I feel for you, I am with you my love. xxx

    • Posted

      Hi how are you, hope you're doing ok & your knee is on the mend. Thankyou, I'll look into the yoga, for relaxation I try to walk as much as possible but with the freezing cold weather where I am at the moment, I think twice about going out bbrrrrr I also write but lately my brain has taken a vacation so writing has come to a near stand-still LoL. I was taking a multi B vitamin but have stopped them as they were increasing my anxiety, have read that B's can have that effect with some people. I only take my Harmony Menopause tablets. Here's to better days!

      Take Care, keep well 😊

  • Posted

    Hi hun

    You are never a pain.sorry your feeling bad again. Ive been in perimenopause eight years some days I dont think I will survive it:

    ( sorry I cant give you any advice but happy to listen. Om having a severe bout of palpitations and the anxiety from it is driving me crazy. Didnt even want to get out of bed this morning. Did you ever get them?

    Im on mirtazapine 15mg for anxiety and depression have been for a while now but days like these nothing seems to work.

    Waiting for results of a heart monitor I had to wear last week so stressing bout that too cause convincing myself somethings wrong cause of the palpssad

    Did you have palps or anyone else.

    Praying for you today that you have a better day. Keep in touch xc

    • Posted

      Hi how are you? Am sure you'll get good results concerning your heart, i used to get more palpitations before giving up smoking, some would last almost an hour 😣 the only palps I sometimes get now are funny little fluttery jumps which lasts only a few seconds...still makes you feel odd though, can be scary.

      Thank you for 'listening' take care & keep well. Hugs 😊

    • Posted

      Thankyou hun. The last couple of days they have been almost constant.But when I take my blood prpressure my pulse is 71and blood pressure fine. It feels more like my hearts beating at 200.

      I seem to just be aware of it beating all the time dont know if its anxiety related.

      Thanks for your reply x

  • Posted

    Hi hun

    You are never a pain.sorry your feeling bad again. Ive been in perimenopause eight years some days I dont think I will survive it:

    ( sorry I cant give you any advice but happy to listen. Om having a severe bout of palpitations and the anxiety from it is driving me crazy. Didnt even want to get out of bed this morning. Did you ever get them?

    Im on mirtazapine 15mg for anxiety and depression have been for a while now but days like these nothing seems to work.

    Waiting for results of a heart monitor I had to wear last week so stressing bout that too cause convincing myself somethings wrong cause of the palpssad

    Did you have palps or anyone else.

    Praying for you today that you have a better day. Keep in touch xc

  • Posted

    Dear Bobbins

    You are not alone, it is a wierd time for most of us, my symptoms come and go at the moment i seem to have the spinning head, i hate the nausea but havent been too bad recently and the funny head seems to have subsided. I noticed the dry eyes again in the morning and the runny eyes (only in mornings) I have started swimming again after a break of few months and it makes me feel better! I believe exercise is a must in this difficult time, im sure it has halped the hot flashes too xx

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