Just started HRT eastrodil gel and testogel for pmdd. Day 1 and I feel crap, help.

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hi, day 1 of hrt oestrogen gel 3 pumps and 1 small squeeze of testosterone.

day 1, feel spaced out and sleepy after my morning dose of gels.

now in the afternoon I feel irritable and very emotional and depressed. The gynae I saw that works at professor studds clinic advised I follow this, and should not feel any side effects.

does it get better? I am so sensitive to hormones that I can't take the pill. i'm starting to loose hope. I Asked the gynae and he has said it can't be the gels 😕 help xxx

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    hi hunni!!!

    i an on ESTRADIOL gel and progesteron tablets. 2 pumps of gel in the morning and the tablet before i go to bed a night.

    At first I felt exactly the same as you lovely. Tired, irritable and tearful. However i was determined to stick with it as i was getting desperate - my hot flushes were getting unmanageable.

    I stuck with it and now 2 months in I feel a new woman!! sleeping well, hot flushes gone and much more stable moods. My skin is amazing and I just feel so much better.

    I know we are all different but do try to give it time to get into your system and im sure it'll kick in soon.

    wishing you all the very best and sending love

    Lou xxx

    ps does anyone know who set up the keyboard controls on this app? no spelling error correction provided and mis-spelt words highlighted in red which u have to retype the whole word to correct! GRRRR Oh and caps lock stays on if you use it for one letter and forget to take it off???

    • Posted

      hey lou. thanks so much for replying.

      i was told to take 3 pumps in the morning and only take progesterone for 7 days beginning of each month.

      i also take a squirt of testerone gel.

      day 1 and I feel so cloudy and sad and teary. The brain fog is unreal. thinking of not taking it tomorrow and I guess that's what's making me feel hopeless. Also I noticed that everyone seems to be taking it for the menopause and not pms or pmdd which makes me feel alone in it. I Never had hot flushes until today 😦 ps the keyboard is crap lol

  • Posted

    hello , i also jnitially went to prof STUDD .

    i had to take gel at night . started with testosterone as well& progesterone .

    you should stick with it - will notice difference in a month more in 2 months & after 3 months you will have most of your life back if not all.

    testosterone helped with mood & then i stopped after a few months did not need. i went for peri symptoms .

    suffered before but got put on right track - after 7 months my nhs referral came through & the consultant is now monitoring my hrt.

    dont give up ! be patient things will settle

  • Posted

    how old was you if you don't mind sharing? was it for pms too?

    I Saw a mike savvas that practices at professor studds clinic.

    it just felt awful today and to have 2 creams to take in the morning and the progesterone only at certain times of the month feels a little daunting.

    did you feel this way on day 1? and why do you take your cream at night? thanks for your response. xx

  • Posted

    Hii have been on bioidentical hormones since last April and still feel crap. Some symptoms have gone and others have popped up like under right rib pain heartburn right ovary pain and feeling ttotally out of energy. Literally feel like dying slowly. They talk so much about these bioidentical. Don't know. Doc doesn't even know what to do. I am 59 now.

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