Just symptoms from perimenpause

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Hi. Ladies

I want to know does anybody have pain in their lift arm from perimenpause. Pain in the chest stomach problems , dizziness fuzzing in the ears, restless nigh. It's just seen like everything is wrong. Like and lots of anxiety going on what do we do I am some tired feeling like this. One minute I feel like myself than I don't. At night I start feeling strange like I get skipping heartbeats or my heart racing this is crazy

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes I get all of these feelings!  The broken sleep is the worst. At the moment I never feel well!!  
  • Posted

    Me too! I have these symptoms and a whole lot more
  • Posted

    Me too and I'm 5 years in!

    My worst at the moment is stomach problems.  Chest pains and indigestion and sometimes feeling SOOOOOO hungry all the time, then ending up with indigestion.  I have just come through about a month when my appetite settled, I no longer thought about constantly wanting something to eat, it was bliss I felt back in control again but now it’s all returned again. Yesterday I was just hungry all day and ended up with pains in my midriff and burping.

    Anyone got anything that works for this?

    • Posted

      I have  always had really good digestion and strong stomach, but for the last year, my stomach has been acting up like crazy! I can totally relate to you. When I feel too full or am burping, I take around ½ tsp baking soda in a glass of warm water. It gives immediate relief. Another good tip is 1 to 1½ tbsp lemon juice in a glass of warm water. It settles the stomach and aids in digestion. These work for me really well. 

    • Posted

      Baking soda = soda bi-carb
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      Ginger tea with a spoonful of Apple cider vinegar helps me immensely!
  • Posted

    Hi Kim...

    Everything you've listed I have felt..and still feel at least once a month. It's scary as heck but apparently part of this ride. Get a good physical because it helps to know that all is organically well when the craziness starts up again...it's easier to talk yourself off the ledge knowing you've been checked out. Hugs!

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