Just wanted to say this has been my respite today and on my bad days...
Posted , 13 users are following.
When I am feeling weepy or miserable like this is my life forever, I go on here and read, read, read! Even a post that is years old is like you are right there comforting me and touching me in a way only women who understand can. Thank you.
Bloated, weepy, irritable with kids, miss myself, so mad at myself for not being the mom my kids need right now, wondering when I will get back. Its awful, isn't it??
4 likes, 12 replies
gailannie caseynjason
Yes it is. I so miss the old me, the one that will never quiet come back. I'm bloated and miserable. I don't know why this happens. I hate it. My skin looks so old, and my attitude is the same. I wish I wanted sex, it seems like a lifetime ago.
I'm here with you.
lori92895 gailannie
Sex?? What's sex?? I'm with you on the skin department too. My face is really dry and getting wrinkled. I try to use micellar water on it, It has an oil in it and cleans the skin too. It helps a little. My stomach will never be flat again so I've kind of accepted that and try to wear more black.
Know what you're going through.
bev27429 caseynjason
It definitely is awful! You are so right, though. Reading the posts helps to keep us all sane (sort of). It's so reassuring to know that other people are going through the same experiences; otherwise, it would feel totally isolating.
samantha42264 caseynjason
I agree, I felt very isolated before I read all the woman's post on here. Well I still feel isolated, but not as bad.
I've decided to stop looking at any social media as I find it makes me feel bad as other look like their having fun and I feel trapped by my own bloates body. And I don't want to bring others down, so I stay away...I now that we should use positive words and thoughts to fight all this but some days that's just really hard.
I has a discussion today....why is this fair, woman start hormonal stuff around 12, then we have babies, that messes us up a bit but we do our best with our kids...just about when they are able to fend for themselves...we get this. It's not fair as we can actually leave the house without a sitter, but inside we can't.
Sorry Im about to start my period and Im overly complainy / cranky today.
I am truly thankful though that I found this forum though, if I hadn't Im sure I would have taken up drinking or something....
Good luck girls
amanda59745 samantha42264
nanc00951 amanda59745
I also have grown children, which then leaves empty nest syndrome, but then at least the children do not have to see the awful state I am in.
I am depressed and have anxiety. Most of the other symptoms have now gone away. Except for some weird heart feelings, which I feel are from anxiety.
samantha42264 nanc00951
I know it's rough Nancy. Some days I feel depressed, some days I have anxiety and some days Im feel happy. I don't make plans to do fun things, I go day by day, on the days I feel good I go do something, on the bad days I hide, I have to force myself to go to work and that's good enough on the bad days.
Now I get why social media is hard on teenagers, because going through this stage it makes me feel inadequate at times....but we have to remember people mainly use it to brag and show off, people don't put their secret stuff on there. ...but I find it best for me just not to look at it.
Hope you have a great day.
becky53379 caseynjason
Str8tfans caseynjason
I really don’t know what I would’ve done last year if I hadn’t found this forum. It’s a little gem hidden amongst billions of internet sites that we are all SO lucky to have.
Hugs to everyone!
anji63 caseynjason
Hi just keep your head up you are not alone it's a journey us women have to go on you know your a good mom and your kids will know that too good luck.
nanc00951 caseynjason
I am also glad I found this sight. Even reading these posts, I still do not believe anyone can feel as horrible as I do!
dora_39625 caseynjason
I can totally relate to you!
I'm a 42 years old mother to a 3 year old.
I started noticing Perimenopause symptoms in my late 30's but they really kicked in November 2016.
I have good days and bad days and days where I have no idea what is going on 😂
This site brings much relief and comfort and I enjoy reading all the discussions. It's so good to know we're not alone in this x