lack of natural sleep for 5 months
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hi i have been back and forth to the doctor initially saying i did not feel that i had energy anymore waking up exhaused was told nothing wrong then out of the blue i stopped sleepng went back to doc put me on antidepressent which did not help my sleeping did blood test then said take hrt went to hormon specialist who said put me on progesterone and stilll no improvement went back again said now try oestrogen i took my self off the antidepressent and just take sleeping pills every night as i need to sleep and funtionas a person who works and is a parent am so tired of this , of being treated like a lab rat i am not depressed just in need of a natural sleep is there anything i can do i want to know is this in my head or is it hormones
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Guest lucy007
zoe62821 Guest
Can you share your HRT experience please?
Guest zoe62821
Hi Zoe,
I've been experiencing extreme symptoms for almost a year. Really thought I was going to check out a few times however doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong. My GYN said perimeno (I'm 52) but her answer was to try bcp's which I didn't want to do. I saw a doc who does bio hormones and he tested me and said I was estrogen dominant but even so my estrogen was low. He believes in oral compounded progesterone for getting sleep. I know a few women who take more than 200mg but that seems to work for me. He also started me on bio cream of estrogen (2 kinds) progesterone and testosterone. A week after starting the cream I started getting a bad burning foot. Then what felt like adrenaline rushes starting from my foot up my body straight up to my head. My GYN said that was the testosterone even though the hormone doc said no, but I insisted on cream without the testosterone. But it still continued. So I took myself off the cream altogether after I found out I had reactivated EBV virus and hormones can feed that virus. I'm still taking the oral progesterone though to help control the estrogen. I've been off the cream for awhile now but I'm still getting the burning foot and adrenaline rush. A few times it made me feel hot in the face so I'm wondering if this is my version of a hot flash. It's def worse the week leading up to my cycle and during it. All in all I was only on the bio cream for two months so maybe I just needed to give it more time but when you feel so sick it's hard to know what's helping or hurting. I feel like doctors just kind of guess when it comes to what your hormones are doing, they would have to test you everyday to really know what's going on. During peri they are so erratic. Guess when we are finally in menopause it would be easier to treat with hormones.
lucy007 Guest
renee_26767 Guest
annieschaefer lucy007
Antidepressants didn't work to stop hot flashes or improve sleep for me either. I used to take 200 mg of Prometrium (not generic) a night, that helped tremendously. Now I am on a low dose of estridiol that I take in the AM and then 100 mg Prometrium. My sleep is greatly improved since. Hope you find the right combination. x
lynda20916 lucy007
Struggling50 lucy007
I have read that if you take progesterone it needs to be in a cream not oral. That our digestive system can't process progesterone and that progesterone works better if it is absorbed through the skin.
Hope you feel better soon.
Struggling50 lucy007
Hello, again.
I am having acupuncture twice a week for perimenopausal/menopause symptoms. It has helped my sleep and other symptoms. If you can't stand the thought of acupuncture try acupressure. Find an internet site that can show you how to do acupressure on yourself or have your partner do it for you.
maria76995 lucy007
Hi Lucy, sleep Issues play a big part in the menopause.... with time you will find yourself sleeping again..I couldn't sleep a year ago for 4 years my brain just wouldn't shut off orif I do just 5 minutes sleep and that use to driving me crazy, I'm sleep much much better now thank god we all need that good night kep.. these symptoms can and will stop, just do what you can to help yourself, a touch Lavender on the pillow can be useful or a radio turn down low also can be beneficial ok.
Spelexilh lucy007
I was like that too averaging two to three hours of a broken sleep. My doctor prescribed gabapentin in 100 mg each. I take two about two hours before I go to bed, now I average about 7-8 hours of sleep each night. I can't take them any later then 8:00 if I muss them I can't sleep. I hope this helps.