Ladies Help!!!

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Hello ladies. I was due for period 13 days ago and it never showed. I am 43 been in Peri since about 39 but still getting a fairly regular period. About 6 months ago I missed my first period. Then every period since has been off. It will either come on time and I will bleed heavy for about 3 days then spot for 2 or Like last month I got it on time it was light and spotted for 10 days. I'm all over the place I am having bad stomach issues really bloated loads of gas and trapped wind which seems to sit high heartburn one min I'm fine next minute filled with sever anxiety thinking I'm dying or going to have a heart attack. I'm also having palpitations and hot flashes. Almost feels like it comes in waves or surges. Just looking for reasurrance and maybe some stories of similar experiences. Tia

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11 Replies

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    i haven't missed a period yet, but my cycle is wonky. Plus, I have weird hot flashes that aren't hot and energy surge sensations which are unnerving. I don't have any words of wisdom. I just wanted you to know that I read your post and you are not alone, especially with severe anxiety. xo

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      Thank you for replying Stacy. This whole thing is a nightmare. I hope we all get through this time fast ugh

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    i haven't missed a period yet, but my cycle is wonky. Plus, I have weird hot flashes that aren't hot and energy surge sensations which are unnerving. I don't have any words of wisdom. I just wanted you to know that I read your post and you are not alone, especially with severe anxiety. xo

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      sounds like mine.... all of it 😦 except a new one, spotting at day 19, then nothing.... still waiting to see if my period arrives. All part of the wonky periods I guess and those so called hot flashes are just thrilling aren't they...currently have freezing hands with mine.

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      Jamie I also have freezing hands and sometimes feet!!! Never had cold hands or feet like that before..ugh my whole body is Wonky

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      Every once in a while, I will have spotting, but it's rare. I usually get a shiver after the "hot" flash. Why do women have to go through this nonsense. It hardly seems fair.

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    Yes, it all sounds familiar and 'normal'. Hold on tight. It's gonna be a bumpy ride!

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    Hi Renee,

    My peri symptoms started when I was in my early 40's (I'm 49 now) and I had every symptom imaginable, but the thing that seemed to really throw me was the wonky periods. My period came like clockwork for 30+ years and then all of a sudden they got further apart and then pretty soon I was missing a period, then they would seem to be regular again. Then I would go as long as 90 days without a cycle. When I did get my period it would be very heavy and I would bleed for 10 days. It was extremely stressful. I would get incredibly bloated, have all the PMS symptoms (very severe, whether I had my period or not), hot flashes, gas, aches and pains, heart palpitations, GERD, gastro issues, and on and on. You are definitely not alone in this! It definitely comes in waves. Some days I would have to lay down and put ice on the back of my neck just to try to calm myself and the hot flashes I was experiencing. When I got the hot flashes I would also get the palpitations along with it and my anxiety would go through the roof.

    Please know that you are not alone in this and that it will eventually pass. In the meantime, try to breathe, relax and keep yourself occupied with other activities, if you can (I know that is easier said than done when you do not feel well). Remember it's your wildly fluctuating hormones that's driving all of these bizarre and frustrating symptoms.

    I hope you feel better soon! xo --Sarah

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      Thank you Sara. Yup my stomach is so bloated and the gastro problems are fueling my anxiety. I feel like when I'm to bloated I also get palps. So this is the second time in 6 months that I didn't have a period. It's all so crazy to me I started my period at 10 and I was like clock work to the point I knew I was preggers before ever taking a test. The hot flashes are crazy as my hands seem to be like ice and after the hot flash goes I get the shakes like I'm low in blood sugar thats scary as well. And then I'm freezing. I'm all over the place. And just today sorry for tmi but I've been having a lot of discharge consistency of ovulation discharge. And as far as my period tracker is saying I should be ovulating right now but who really knows because I never got a period. These symptoms have a mind of its own. Did you or do you have incredible neck and shoulder pain as well? Mine is horrible. I can't wait to be done and I'm sure I still have a few more years of this.

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      hi i can relate to the shoulder and neck pain .hip pain pelvic pain the list goes on im 53 and have the coil so not sure if its side affects from the coil .i have had blood test taken and doctors it could be another 2 years before i hit menopause every day is a battle so know how you feel

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    Yes, I would have severe neck, shoulder and back pain. My muscles would feel so strained that it would give me a tension headache. This still goes on today--so this is absolutely one symptom that I have carried throughout peri. Some days it is not as bad as others, but it's always there (like a dull ache when it isn't overly active). On the days where it is overly painful, I try to combat it early with OTC pain meds. However, if I don't catch it early enough, I find that the pain reliever doesn't help at all. I'll also use a warm compress to try to loosen the muscles. I will get muscle spasms in my legs and feet, too. It is a really bizarre symptom and I know many women who are going through peri/menopause experience the same issues. I asked my doctor about this and she suggested taking magnesium to help with relaxing the muscles. I do find this helps some.

    I hope you are able to get some relief soon! Big Hugs--Sarah

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