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Hello all.  First of all; thank you for the warm response on my first post.  It's reassuring to know that others feel just as cr@p as me :-)

Is anyone else experiencing low energy levels?  I don't have the inclination or the energy to do normal things like cooking and cleaning anymore.  I always feel tired.  I sleep well at night, so it's not that.  I've lost all interest.  It's not like me at all as I am normally a clean freak.  I first put it down to the heat we had in the UK then I said it's because of my very heavy period.  My mom arrives from South Africa for a 6-week holiday in 3 weeks time and I have so much to do.  I am taking B6, Iron, Primrose Oil, etc.  Am I just a lazy middle-aged cow?  :-)

1 like, 12 replies

12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jen - I can sympathize. I don't think you're a lazy cow. I don't have any answers but I can tell you that I feel the same as you. Hopefully someone else in this forum can provide some insight.  Just wanted you to know you're not alone. I no longer have motivation to clean my home, take care of the outside of it, it's a chore to take a shower everyday and for my husbands sake I shave my legs maybe once a week - if it wasn't for him I think I would look like a gorilla :-)
    • Posted

      LOL Sonja - I am okay with shaving (for now).  Thanks goodness I have a very understanding husband.  Shall I send you some bananas?
  • Posted

    oh Jen

    thats another classic peri .... no energy...

    what mg B6 are you taking ? i take 150mg daily in morning this perked me up no end.

    also B12 have you considered Jarrows B12 5000mcg amazon have it ..

    thats another energy booster 

    peri we lack both B6 and B12 

    Jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay

      Thanks for the info.  I am only taking 10mg Vit B6/day.  That is what the pharmacist prescribed.  I will look into the B12.  I am changing GPs, so hopefully the new one will be more understanding.

      Jen x

    • Posted

      Hi Jen

      10mg B6 not enough for peri...  may as well not bother with it..

      you need 100mg to 150mg daily 

      Jay xx

  • Posted

    this info may help some ladies struggling with lack of energy and enthusiam ..

    i have to have B12 injections every two weeks .. along with my 150mg B6 i feel quite energised again... 

    Vitamin B-12 Deficiency and Menopause

    If you don't have enough vitamin B-12 to build the red blood cells that carry iron and oxygen throughout your body, you may experience the fatigue, weakness and pale skin that indicate anemia. You may also feel faint or short of breath or have heart palpitations. Insomnia is another complaint of women in the midst of menopause. Some early research suggested a specific type of vitamin B-12 supplement could help regulate the sleep-wake cycle, though more recent studies have questioned this, according to MayoClinic. Vitamin B-12 won't a difference if your insomnia is related to hot flashes.

    According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the level of homocysteine, an amino acid, rises in women after menopause. A high level of homocysteine is associated with increased risk for heart disease and stroke. Vitamins B-6, B-12 and folate have been found to help lower homocysteine levels in your blood.


  • Posted

    reposted as first one contained website and they dont approve ..

    this may be helpful for some ladies with lack of energy and enthusiam during peri and meno.. we do lack it ... 

    i have to have B12 injections every two weeks to up my energy .. so also with the 150mg  B6 i then feel quite energised thank goodness..

    the doctor can do a serum b12 blood test to check levels... also you can buy Jarrows B12 methyl 5000mcg cherry flavour from amazon uk £13 .. i think...

    useful i fo incase you havent seen it on other pages

    Vitamin B-12 Deficiency and Menopause

    If you don't have enough vitamin B-12 to build the red blood cells that carry iron and oxygen throughout your body, you may experience the fatigue, weakness and pale skin that indicate anemia. You may also feel faint or short of breath or have heart palpitations. Insomnia is another complaint of women in the midst of menopause. Some early research suggested a specific type of vitamin B-12 supplement could help regulate the sleep-wake cycle.. 

    As an individual experiencing menopause, loss of energy may become a major part of life. B12 vitamins menopause symptoms can help alleviate this loss of energy. These vitamins for menopause can help restore lost energy and create an energy level that has never before been achieved by the individual. B12 vitamins can provide a new lease on life with the power to restore energy through the simple answer of taking a vitamin. For an individual suffering from the onset of this stage of life, seeking nutrients like B12 and other minerals can help provide relief from the many symptoms. The nervous system is another area of the body and health that is positively affected by B12 vitamins. 

    According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the level of homocysteine, an amino acid, rises in women after menopause. A high level of homocysteine is associated with increased risk for heart disease and stroke. Vitamins B-6, B-12 and folate have been found to help lower homocysteine levels in your blood. 

    • Posted

      Hi jayneejay,

      contained website and they dont approve

      We do not mind links at all as long as they are relevant and non-commercial etc. See

      All that happens when you post one is it will go for moderation but in the case above, which has been approved, if you just want to mention a site like the Mayoclinic just do not add the .com bit (unless it is to a specific article).

      Hope this helps.


      Emis Moderator

  • Posted

    Hi jen01 Newbie here but i know how you feel i am the same way been in meno for almost 2 yrs and also have thyroid issues. have you had an exam and labs for your thyroid?

    I take BHT it helps a bit and without it i think i would have either been committed to a nuthouse or not be here. smile It is hard but do not give up but i am here if u have any ??'s

  • Posted

    energy , interest, what r those things alien to me smile Me same Jen chin up we will stick together on here all of us hopefully to help each other thru the dark times which there ar alot of it appears ! HUGS

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