Lazy, droopy eye?
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A friend of mine came over this morning. I asked her if my eyes look weird because I always feel like I’m out of it. She is post meno. She said it looks like I have a lazy eye. I had a dr ask me last year if I had a stroke my eye droops a little! I have terrible dark circles... I just chocked it up to exhaustion...anybody else have this? I’ve had a clean brain scan and heart tests, etc. I’m on an AD, but it’s not that because I had it before. I’m only 41...😩
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susane84679 Guest
hi lou, I have not had what you are describing but it sounds terrible! I have noticed a change in my sight, blurry vision, ocular migraines, spots, and sometimes just plain soreness. I would have never thought meni could affect us in so many ways. best of luck and hang in there! hugs🙂🧡💛
Guest susane84679
Hi Susane, oh the spots and the floaters, curly things zipping around...makes me crazy! I asked about lasik surgery. It will not take them away. I have lousy vision and an astigmatism in both eyes...I was told to basically make friends with my eye floaters. 🤗
Sassyr12a Guest
Hello Lou
I have a funny eye, my right one. The eye itself is fine, its the eyebrow area. Its hard to describe but if I'm tired or not pretending to be alert, it droops lower than the other one.... Almost like its too exhausted to put in the effort lol xx
Guest Sassyr12a
Hi Sassy! I think I will just tape my eyes open so I look deranged! 🤪
Sassyr12a Guest
Donna23316 Guest
Hi Lou, the definition of a lazy eye is a squint. And what happens with a squint is as you turn to look at your friend, one eye is looking at her, the other eye looking for her! Sorry, bad joke! What I mean is one eye would wander outwards. I thought it was unusual that your doctor asked it you had a stroke. Did he explain why he asked you that? As for dark circle, tiredness or genetics. In my case genetics! You are probably exhausted Lou. This menopause sure does take its toll. Join the club! I'm with you and understand what you are going through. Message me anytime honey. Donna, who reached the menopause 3 years ago x
Guest Donna23316
🤣Hi Donna! I had a female gyno ask me about a stroke 6 mo ago. because of my eyelid drooping...she had just met me. This was right in the thick of really bad symptoms and horrible fatigue. Honestly, I could have rolled off the table and not noticed. My eye doesn’t move around thank goodness ... also, school started and I was up at 5am. I am on month 3 of AD which tends to make me tired too. Genetics definitely, I’m Italian. 😁
Donna23316 Guest
Ahh Lou, Italian, beautiful! I have olive skin as my mum is Portuguese. I use undereye concealer, I have to. This may sound strange, but I'm serious. What if you you did actually have a stroke and not realised it - happens. Donna xxx