Legs Feel Detached From Body
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Recently I have been getting a sensation like my legs are detached from my body...lol. Sounds weird I know but I will be sitting or standing and suddenly my legs feel heavy and I fear that I may fall. I don't know if this has anything to do with my low iron? I just started taking some iron supplements. I hate these weird feelings. Never sure whether or not to worry
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lennie45832 nancy0925
jamie50513 nancy0925
I have felt the same thing. All of a sudden the legs feel heavy and sometimes wobbly. I have low iron as well and take supplements. I'm not sure of it has anything to do with the low iron or meno. I'm sorry I don't have any suggestions. But wanted you to know that you are not the only one who has had that feeling. I'm so over all these weird sensations.
lennie45832 jamie50513
jamie50513 lennie45832
lennie45832 jamie50513
nancy0925 jamie50513
lennie45832 nancy0925
nancy0925 lennie45832
lennie45832 nancy0925
gentleballads nancy0925
elaine33371 nancy0925
Dont know if you have explained that sensation right, do you mean, your legs feel like lead and are heavy to lift, if thats the case, when your stood with this feeling, or, you get up from being seated suddenly, you will go light headed and faint and hot, its due to low blood volume, and low blood pressure, so the blood pools in your legs, this starves the brain so you go to pass out etc, which can happen during menopause, several factors do it, weeing more, and dehydrating from excess weeing plus nights sweats and hot flushes, or, just temp going high during meno flare, if that is what you mean, if you feel it whilst lying, its the same thing, but because your not stood, you get different symptoms, like leg cramps and muscle aches, try bending your foot at the ankle several times, until it either feels weak, or heavy, see if it cramps, if it does this you shouldnt have to do it for long you will feel the heaviness fairly quickly, if it does, then thats what it is, you need to either, drink more water, without over doing it, or, if your weeing a lot, try adding a little salt to your food, but really you should only take in extra salt, on its own, on drs advice, but think it would be safe to just try a handfull of salted nuts, see if it helps................could that be what you mean??