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I've been having menopausal symptoms for approx a year and gone through cbt for anxiety which really helped. my mine issue now is pain. I have leg spasms and general aches which I can cope with but I also have sharp pains in my upper abdomen under my ribs. the pain goes around my right ribs and over upper back but my upper abdomen is the worse. I've tried antacids which made it worse and I've taken paracetamol which has no effect. I get really panicky and am frightened by it. has anybody experienced anything similar?
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debra16694 lesley09051
hi lesley - yep! to all of the above - i was so freaked out by the upper right rib area sensation that i was convinced i had something terribly wrong - i wont even say what i thought - convinced my dr i needed an upper quadrant CT SCAN & what came back was that i have a "fatty liver" - it took awhile for that discomfort to finally disappear - since december i have been dealing with the "achy" leg syndrome - it came on overnight & has rendered me almost handicapped - oddly enough, i dont have osteoporosis, but did test positive for autoimmune - going to see a rheumatologist in August - this menopause just keeps on surprising us - if it would make you feel better, just get your stomach discomfort checked out, but i have a suspicion its wacky hormones at play -
lesley09051 debra16694
hi Debra. thank you so much for your reply, I was honestly up at 4am thinking I must have liver or bone cancer or anything terminal. I'm amazed people aren't aware of how debilitating the menopause can be. you've really put my mind at rest. hope you get sorted soon, it's a pretty miserable life.
katyD211 lesley09051
Wowwww I am just coming through a bout like you describe. Pains that are sharp n sudden, under right ribs, feel it in my back and sometimes like it's behind my breast. It actually feels I did lose my gallbladder 3 years ago, and i do have fatty liver. I have recently begun intermittent fasting as a means to get some of this weight off me and I do believe that has something to do with the pain when it happens. My body just doesn't like fatty crazy foods anymore. I have to make conscious careful food choices. Oh the joys of menopause!
I took Zantac max, drank lots of water, a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in ginger tea. It helped a lot. And intermittent fasting will constipate you so i add Miralax. So far so good. Try some of these see if they help Feel better, hun
ImagineOneDay katyD211
When my liver checked 2 years ago I am told nothing wrong with it. But it is aching. And I know it is my liver. I try to have less beer. I have half a pint every day in summer. But my body can't cope with it any more. Perhaps I try your advice of apple spider. Any other food advice Katy.
katyD211 ImagineOneDay
Yes you're right, our bodies can't cope with same foods n drink we used to eat.
Fruit smoothies i make with fresh or frozen fruits, a little spinach or kale , a spoonful of ground flaxseed, also help me feel better, so do lots of salads. As soon as i stop eating smart i get these digestive aches n pains. I tried 1 change at a time to see what works.
lesley09051 katyD211
thank you Katy for the reassurance . I'll take up your suggestions and give them a go, anything to help. my scan did show fibrosis of the liver but the gp doesn't really explain what this means long term. thank again
grace50455 katyD211
is turkey meat good to eat ?
grace50455 lesley09051
yes me too, I have pain under left rib and it seems to have spread to my back .My legs also hurt but I do alot of walking at work, do you walk alot or stand on your feet alot? I also have appt. with Rheumatologist due to body pain and inflammation. I hope that knowing your not alone eases your anxiety it did mine when I read all the posts of other ladies going through the same thing and being so kind and concerned to share and encourage others. Think positive and as someone told me get it checked out and that way youll know whats really going on, take care of yourself.. my prayers go out to you!!
lesley09051 grace50455
thank you so much grace for your words of encouragement. some days it's only chatting to people with similar issues that gets me through. thank you for your prayers, take care of yourself
ImagineOneDay lesley09051
Oh woww, I had this two years ago. It was so scary. I ended up in A&E. But all was fine. It lasted good few months then disappeared. It was the worse time of my life. I hope yours goes away soon too. Big HUG
patti56271 ImagineOneDay
Hi, definitely agree about the diet and eating right.I found eating gluten free helped me a lot. Since you do have beer which I do too, you can try gluten free beer. I switched from regular and it made a difference.
Also turmeric helps in pain and inflammation.
lesley09051 ImagineOneDay
thank you so much for your support and reassurance, it means a great deal to me.
lesley09051 patti56271
hi. I'm also coeliac so follow a strict gluten free diet but I'll certainly give the turmeric a go. thank you.
sharon03238 lesley09051
yes ive had rib pain both sides, had a scan everything ok, i also had the leg pains too xx
lesley09051 sharon03238
thank you for your reply sharon. it really helps knowing I'm not alone.