Lesson Learned about Sugar
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Hi Ladies, learned a BIG lesson today. I have not had any ice cream for 2 or 3 months. Anyway, today I was craving some chocolate ice cream, I had a scoop. Well, 3 hours later, my breast and chest started HURTING and even burning and swelling. I also felt super dry mouth and really thirsty, my blood sugars went up really high. I feel really angry that I cannot even have a small treat of ice cream, its so unfair and I know I sound like a little kid and there are foods that are tasty and good too, it seems unfair that our bodies have done this to us before menopause even with my diabetes I could have an occassional treat, but since menopause I cannot even have an occassional treat as it relates to a small candy bar or a brownie. I dont want to go overboard but now and then. I see where a lot of ladies say menopause and peri screw your blood sugars up and my doctor told me the same thing. So, thats the end of ice cream. Damm/
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elaine33371 lennie45832
lennie45832 elaine33371
lennie45832 elaine33371
elaine33371 lennie45832
gentleballads lennie45832
so it is not a time to take drastic decisions
give it some time to pass, dont give up
dont close yourself - cant have sugar, cant have gluten, cant have fat
remain open, if it doesnt work out today ...try again ten days later
lennie45832 gentleballads
gentleballads lennie45832
i also feel frustrated about the way things unfold around you on top of health issues
just try to calm your nerves, do breathing exercises, take your old meds
there are no sure shot methods to cure peri and meno symptoms
its different from person to person and day to day
so dont let peri define you
lennie45832 gentleballads
elaine33371 lennie45832
lennie45832 elaine33371
lennie45832 elaine33371
elaine33371 lennie45832
lennie45832 elaine33371
elaine33371 lennie45832
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