Posted , 9 users are following.
I'm suffering badly with libido but my partner doesn't understand I'm thinking of leaving him but so frustrated
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Posted , 9 users are following.
I'm suffering badly with libido but my partner doesn't understand I'm thinking of leaving him but so frustrated
0 likes, 8 replies
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dora_39625 tracy_78152
Have you tried talking to him? And is he supportive of you knowing what you're going through?
haley30534 tracy_78152
I'm the same too zero libido and have been for a year or more, I'm single now so I don't have added hassle of trying to keep my partner happy, trouble is most men see it as a rejection and don't grasp that it's not actually our fault x
Eliaimee1970 tracy_78152
samantha42264 tracy_78152
Im single, a couple of years ago I was all up for dating but now I don't want a man near me. Im pretty sure if I were married I'd cause it to end.
It's very hard as we are all so moody so what you are feeling may not be what you actually feel for him. I had a friend that confided in me that his wife wouldn't sleep with him anymore, I tried to explain how woman our age feel but men don't get it and get really hurt by the rejection. It's all so confusing....try your best to talk to him and explain it.
lisab1234 tracy_78152
Hi Tracy,
I'm 45 and going through the same of having no libido and my husband whom I love dearly didn't understand, because according to him the blood tests were normal! I showed him a page on menapausal symptoms and once he read it, he said the symptoms were me to T. Although I'm perimenapausal and not menapausal, I've found that communication is key. It's difficult to talk about because you feel so rubbish yourself and it's all such an effort, make him understand. Take care ?
sabrina1971 tracy_78152
Time for your partner to grow up! Would he not understand if you had a terminal illness that affected your libido? Or the flu for two weeks? Relationships go through ebbs and flows, and if he can't ride through this with you, he wasn't worth it in the first place. Too many people give men an easy pass over this stuff. He needs to adult up and support you. I am sure you would not be giving him a hard time if HE was the one with libido problems. There are plenty of ways to be intimate in a relationship that are not sexual.
tracy_78152 sabrina1971
Thanks Sabrina I have tried talking to him and printed stuff off but he just ain't listening he comes out with stuff like I could of had an affair 6 months ago but I didn't I said why you telling me stuff it's not helping I don't think we will get past this so it might be time to hang up and leave him xx
michelle51519 tracy_78152