light bleeding for one month I worry

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Hello I'm not English so I hope you will understand my problem.

I'm 51 and in February my period stopped for 2 months. Then I had it again properly but it came back 15 days later very light so I don't know if I can consider it as periods. Then I started to have kind of spotting that lasted one month and 10 days ago I started bleeding everyday but not heavily. It's really strange because I don't bleed at night only I notice it when I go to the toilet. It's not a lot but it's very red.

I'm worrying because I won't see the doc before 3 weeks .

What do you think about this ? I don't find any responses on the French discussion that's why I made research and found this site that looks fabulous.

Sorry for my English but I'm French.

Thank you for your answers.

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Lilli

    Please dont worry about your english, this is not the forum that cares about how great your English or writing is. Wow! I'm experiencing this right now.

    I had a period two weeks ago and this past week I got my IUD taken out and the very next day I started another period. I don't know if it's a period or from removing the iud.

    But, like you it is bright red, it's not heavy and it was coming out mostly when I used the restroom. It has been 5 days now but just went to restroom and yeah it seem to be leaving!

    Have you been told that you are perimenopause?If so, it could be just one of the good ole peri symptons.

    To help calm you, you can check out the link below. I hope this helps you. 😊

    • Posted

      Hello Mary

      It's very kind of you to answer quickly and nicely.

      I still have a DIU  ( a non hormonal one ) and I will ask my doctor in July to take it off because I'm pretty sure it doesn't help with the bleeding.

      I haven't  been told I was on Premenopause because when I saw the doc in November everything was normal . It started to be strange in February and as I said I've been bleeding for 3 weeks now. It's really annoying because I can't help thinking it could be something bad even if I know I'm 51 and it's probably the beginning of menopause.  Yet I've got other symptoms like very very bad sleep and my guts that are full of air !

      I'm going to read your link.

      Have you got an hormonal treatment?

  • Posted

    Hi Lillioui, I wouldn't worry too much. Probably going into your menopause it started like for me ! Just see what your GP say's when you see Her ? Red is good so all should be well, hope this helps x

    • Posted

      Hello Mars

      Thank you. I will see my gynecologist in July 17th. I sent him an email 2 weeks ago to explain what happened and he gave me an appointment for July.

      The thing that annoys me is that I don't know if I can consider this bleeding like a period ?

    • Posted

      Hello Mars

      You said that red is good because I'm freaking out also about the color. Before this peri stuff I don't recall my period being this red throughout the cycle. What color would be considered not good?


    • Posted

      Hi Mary, when ever i been asked about colour by Dr / Gyno it's when it's dark like very dark not the bright red. 

    • Posted

      It changes as mine was very watery @ times. It's where the hormones are changing . Not nice for us ladies all these symptoms. 

    • Posted

      Its really funny because I haven't got heavy bleeding like when I 've got my period: it's a light bleeding that I can observe when I go to the loo.

      Or in my shower if I pee ( sorry for the details) it flows at the same time. Its just as if it doesn't come straight from my womb naturally like period ,it's when I kind of " push". When i lie down at night nothing flows, it falls in the toilets when I go to the loo in the morning.

      I should be glad I have not heavy flow but it's very surprising 😓

    • Posted

      Thanks Mars, I had no idea. 😒 That is good to know. 😊

  • Posted

    I was exactly like you and it was because I was perimenopsuse. It's fine, really. Once you go an entire year without a period then you will be in menopause. Our bodies are changing. You will be ok.

    • Posted

      Thank you.

      You are very helpfull on this forum.

      In France nobody answers 😭

      I didn't know perimenopause was such a pain !

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