Light period after menopause. Please help!

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Please help!

I am 50 and had no period for 18 months. Over the weekend Ive started a light period with usual pms symptoms.

Last week I had sore boobs and mucus?

I am going to the doctor first thing today but was interested in your experiences.

Many thanks

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Mandy

    This was me in January this year! I hadn't had a period for nearly 2 years then out of the blue I had a light period for 7 days. Leading up to it I had mucus and sore boobs too but didn't think anything off it. I went to my doctor who sent me to the hospital to get it checked out - I had a trans vaginal scan and an internal examination and everything was fine thankfully. The consultant told me that it was quite common for this to happen and in my case he thinks stress brought my hormones raging back - I had lost my job a couple of weeks previously and was worrying dreadfully about how we were going to manage financially.

    Please go and get yourself checked out just to set your mind at rest but it does sound very similiar to what happened to me.

    Have you been under a lot of stress lately?

    kind regards

    Catryna x

    • Posted

      Hi Catryna

      Thank you for your reply.

      Our stories sound similar! I have just returned from my GP and she has referred me for an urgent ultrasound.

      She examined me and said there was nothing obvious.

      Hopefully it was just a one off blip from my body . Fingers crossed, at least I am in the system now.

      I havent been unusually stressed recently but i do care for my mum and it can be difficult.

      I will keep you informed.

      Thanks again


    • Posted

      Hi Mandy

      Thank you for getting back to me

      The NHS have a 2 week window for anything like this hence the urgent appointment.

      Please let me know how u get on but I'm sure everything will be ok.

      i was very worried when it happened to me, I imagined all the worst case scenarios but as u say it was just a "blip". It's not until u start talking to other women that u realise how common it is. 2 of my close friends have had the same experience - one of them twice!

      I just wish there was more information available so that women don't feel so scared.

      kind regards

      Catryna x

    • Posted

      Hi Catryna

      I totally agree there should be more information about likely causes not wirst case senarios.

      Hopefully i will be seen under this 2 week rule and feel better.

      I do feel a little reassured by your story and the fact that im getting traditional period side effects now ( as i did when i was younger) cramps just like i remember!

      Thanks for your support, it means a lot 珞

      Mandy x

  • Posted

    Hi Mandy

    I'm glad a I saw this. I'm 51 and 6 years post menopausal and you completely describe my experience, only I noticed spotting last night. I have a GP appointment in a couple of hours and I'm terrified, but then I'm phobic about going to the GP anyway. Having Googled endlessly I know my local hospital has a Post-Menopausal Bleeding clinic so I expect to leave the GP with an urgent referral. I've been ok up to now but I'm terrified and a bit tearful now. My husband offered to come home from work and go with me but I told him not to. I'm 51 and should be able to cope with a GP appointment on my own!

    Take care,


  • Posted

    Hi Louise

    Isnt it an awful feeling? The sensible side of me says it will be something that can be sorted but then i have moments of panic.

    Hopefully, by now youve got a referral for a scan. Mine is next Weds.

    Please let me know how you got on today.

    We can support each other

    Mandy x

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