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I have vitamin b12 deficiency and peri menopause.. I went to the doctor yesterday I was lightheaded he checked everything then my ear.. I had a lot of wax so he syringed them.. I thought the lightheaded would be gone but it's still there a little.. he said he didn't think my lightheaded is due to peri menopause as I'm just starting.. Please help.. its either peri menopause or b12 deficiency..
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jayneejay martina43
light headedness and anxiety, feelings of going to faint, no energy etc can be peri menopause .. I had numerous symptoms
have a look at this link.. 1-49
Then scroll down and look at 50-66
jay x
martina43 jayneejay
jayneejay martina43
you cant stop it, you have to accept its all part of life and learn to cope.
i had a ten year peri, took Rainforest Food Maca 5.1 (2500mg) capsules in the beginning which helped me no end . I still take them now..
B6 100mg is very good too and of course B12 ..
i take many supplements and Vits, my peri began when i was age 40-41 and i am age 50 now and 17 months post meno..
i dont and cant take HRT ..
a positive accepting mind helps and avoidance of stressful situations ( easier said than done) i find if stress is created sometimes beyond our control, but affects our lives in what ever way, then symptoms to get worse..( for me anyway)
jay x
susan21149 martina43
This is going to be hard to stop. I have had a lot of symptoms of anxities myself and feelings of being weak and passing out. So far my Vitamin b is fine, It could be the b deficiency in you or just anxities. You just have to learn to do relaxation stuff
martina43 susan21149
nancy0925 martina43
Spree martina43
i have been really unwell nearly passing out anxious can't breath properly had lots of tests/ blood tests and it's come back I'm in early stages of menopause! I'm 44 & been feeling unwell on & off for 5 years so I think with hearing your symptoms it's all to do with the menopause 😞
susan21149 Spree
The same thing happens with me at times when I have anxieties, or panic attacks. The reason we don't breathe properly when we are in anxiety mode or panick mode is because we are breathing shallow and fast, we need to learn to breath slowly and that is hard for me at times because I have problems breathing when I am anxious to, and it makes me weak and feel like I'm going to fall out. We need to learn to do deep breathing. Thats where yoga comes in and meditation and relaxation but we tend to get so busy that we forget about ourselves and we don't do these things. I also found out i am in menopause and I'm 46 never had a baby so thats why it started early with me plus I have hypothyroidism too.
Sheza1963 martina43
Good luck sucks being a woman hey😁
martina43 Sheza1963
Spree martina43
i used to suffer with panic attacks it's not like that, I feel so Weired I think the breathing problems comes from bad indigestion as I'm on anti acid tablets some times I feel ok & other days I feel so awful 😞 it's the fuzzy head tiredness sick feeling I could go on & on with symptoms I could cry
susan21149 Spree
I understand how you feel there are times I feel like I am having problems breathing like yesterday and when I got home Friday I almost fell into a panic attack on Friday I felt like my heart was not pounding and I got scared. I understand how you feel about having problems breathing
margaret04348 martina43
martina43 margaret04348
dorothy11947 martina43