lightheaded most of the time
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Hi, I've been disturbed by my frequent "floating in the air" feeling, I had several tests a few months ago, blood tests, urine, stool, abdominal ultrasound, ecg chest xray, all went fine except the low hemoglobin but its already fixed now. Lately I observe that most of the time I experience like im riding a sailboat over the wavy ocean,, i feel lightheaded especially in the afternoon or when i focused on reading my fb or searching something on my mobile which took hours, I'm using a reading glass, after reading or watching tv for long and I stand up, there the lightheadedness is present, is it possible that its becoz of my eeglasses? i am monitoring my bp and they turned out normal, i also sometimes experience some heaviness in my nasal area and digestive problems,, are these connected? I feel anxious when these things happened....
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maisie05 dylan1219
I'm experiencing this too at the moment, for the past 2-3 weeks actually. I feel like I'm walking but my head is two paces behind if that makes sense.
The worst is when I lay back the room spins and if I turn over in bed the same happens.
I'm blaming low iron but not been diagnosed and trying to up it naturally.
Hope it passes for us both soon
Sochima822 maisie05
Maisie, what you have is called Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
Also called: BPPV. Your doctor can give you pills that will help while you do some exercises, you can find them online on yt. It is not due to low blood iron unless you're anemic.
maisie05 Sochima822
pinkcatfairy dylan1219
Could the heaviness in nasal area be something like sinitis? When I had that I often had the 'watery head feeling!' especially going from cold to warm air and vice versa!
lynda20916 dylan1219
I am wondering if you're not dehydrated. You need to drink about 64 ounces of water and or liquid a day. I had that floating feeling, too and it was because I wasn't drinking enough water.
Gypsy014 dylan1219
The dizzy/floating off balance sensations was part of my symptoms at the very beginning of peri/meno it was so intense for me for about a year! It has eased up a lot but does visit me again from time to time, but for me it was bad walking thru a store I would turn around and have to leave very quickly just to make it to my car so I could sit down and not pass out! Then I would sit in my car and cry for a while and when I felt it pass I would drive home and try again to shop later on! It was really bad for a while there. And the lighting in the big stores would make me dizzy immediately!
I can't watch my new big screen tv I have searched and searched why it makes me dizzy but it does and I just gave up on it and let the hubby and grandkids enjoy it, but as for me I can't even look at it so weird I know, but think it has something to do with the way they make them now, not sure but my old tvs don't bother me at all, oh and never ever before was I like this so it all started at peri/meno time. I can't offer any advice but just to let you know I think it's all menopause and that your not alone on this one, and hopefully it doesn't last to long for you as I know its very frustrating... Feel better soon😁
dylan1219 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 dylan1219
Oh yes many times would tell my doctor about my off balance and dizziness only to be told it's vertigo or its anxiety and woman going thru the change will feel this way. I think I was always told this because many other symptoms would accompany the dizzy feeling, then they would say yes your age your right at that time for menopause so it's got to be vertigo or anxiety here is some Xanax it will pass..
dylan1219 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 dylan1219
The doctor did prescribe meds it was Xanax which is for anxiety because that is what they think I have is anxiety or vertigo which both can be symptoms of peri/meno. I don't take any medicine though so really don't know if the Xanax would have even helped, I would definitely suggest asking your doctor. Also one thing I do know is I remember my mother having vertigo when I was younger and I remember her spinning as she would lay down that sort of thing and she had to take meclizine which I believe is a very strong antihistamine which treats vertigo, but again you would have to ask your doctor about that, hope this helps and your feeling better soon😀
angie58226 Gypsy014
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry your feeling these symptoms but it's such a relief to hear someone else is experiencing these exact symptoms that I'm feeling. Some stores are the worst, and going in and out of air conditioning just adds to the off balance feeling. Thank you for your post!
pplmarcia dylan1219
Hello all, I have been having the same issues lightheadedness and floating feeling and had my sinus and eyes check. I would suggest visiting a eye doctor and a ENT specialist to have these issue checked first. I've noticed that since I have been in pre menapause I have developed more severe sinus and allergy issues as well as visual; as it can be from the change it still needs to be addressed and or correct. My isssue resulted in sinus surgery ( just had last week) to clear up my horrrible sinus to keep from infections and pressure on my eyes, scheduled eye appt end of his month.
Stay well