Lingering symptoms
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hi im ten yrs post meno and wondering if any ladies still have symptoms mine are health anxiety occasional sleepless nights that consist of 2 hrs and a horrible fear of death..have had six deaths family and friends in last two yrs...i cry everyday but only for a minute or body always feels stressed especially in my neck shoulder area and sometimes feel like i cant breath...had lots of tests last yr and all was well..had severe insomnia at same time as well...only slept two hrs last night after a mth of good sleep..then i start worrying im going backwards..i have a daughter with autism and ny biggest fear is something happening to me and leaving her behind..i also have some ulcers on my tongue which if havent cleared im being referred worried its throat cancer especially as my partners sister died from it last anxiety comes and goes..when i feel good and things are good it always comes back niggling at me,,,,any ladies feel the same with health anxiety 😢❤️
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debra16694 christine66659
hi Christine - i am 7 years post menopause & still have some significant symptoms. i was in peri for 3 years, so basically been on this rollar coaster ride for 10 years. Right now i am suffering from almost dibilitating aches & pains in my legs which is really freaking me out. not being able to walk well is really upsetting me - I also suffer from anxiety and constantly think about death, something i never ever thought about - i also have cared for several people who have left me, its caused me great worry about my own mortality. i think all of this feeds into the constant anxiety that i battle with. i believe that the imbalance in hormones really affects our gut health and everything i have been reading states that when your gut is out of whack it affects so many things in your body. i did a little experiment for a week and ate extremely "clean" no sugar, no processed food, no alcohol & good fats & only green tea with no caffeine & i must say i had a fairly symptom free week except for my achy body - the problem is, its not very fun - hah! i am sorry for your symptoms, but i am happy to hear someone else is still experiencing symptoms post meno because everyone i tell this to laughs at me - including my friends - i just try to remember what a naturopath said to me...its not when your period stops, its when your hormones crash - good luck!
lina19 debra16694
im in peri, but, the thought that life comes with an expiry date, crosses my mind frequently. I read somewhere that this is normal. its just that we enter the next phase of life. well, all life on earth has a beginning and an end. The sooner we accept this reality, it will be easier to live our present life meaningfully and peacefully. Introspection has helped me remove all anger i had on some people. Since last 2 years, I have reconnected with many of my extended family and friends and get to spend more time with them. Socializing has helped me distract my mind from all this peri stuff. At times I push myself to go outdoors on some pretext or the other.
christine66659 debra16694
excatly...i was symptom free didnt even know id had the menopause till i didnt have a period for yr..was only 42..dr said your post meno..wahoo i thought..not now😂
im always out and about with my anxious thing...some days i stay in and chill ..❤️
Guest christine66659
Christine, I have a 15 year old son who has autism I adopted him at birth and I face that same fear of what will happen to him and my 23 year old specials needs daughter when i'm gone, and with all these health issues and panic/anxiety fear doom and gloom I have to fight on a daily bases and on top of the 66 /101 symptoms of peri/meno I deal with I also have to deal with diverticulitis which is another nightmare! You do not have throat cancer or anything else its the nightmare hormone in control of your mind and body right now ! You gonna have to leave it all in God's hands, trust Him and let him hold your hand through it all I know He will! Jeremiah 29:11 3John1:2