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i dint know who else has kids but i have two ar home i work from home husband been home feeling overly trapped have period day 5 and i feel like im going to burst into a million pieces i was fine before period and this whole week im so out of sorts its crazy every little thing makes me angry i cant stand my kids constantly calling my name they give me no soace at all they always follow me everywhere and i thinknim evil cause i feel like this im in edge all the time and now they closed school for rest of year is it my period or me inwould think by now in my cycle yhose feel good hormones would have kicked in lol oh and the last thingbis i beatbup on myselfmynlooks i thinkni look bad and gross and ugly and yhst adds fuel tobthe fire ughhhhhh!!!

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4 Replies

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    I know how you feel. all of it. I too constantly put myself down and feel like I am ugly. Keep reminding yourself you will feel better as the monthly cycle progresses. that down feeling I know well and i hate it. i am so sorry u are going through this:/ hope all feels better soon.

    • Posted

      i know im not always like this but this month ughh it just feels crazy fir some reason. its exhausting all the time the whining and complaining from kids anf stuff

  • Posted

    Don't be too hard on yourself. The dynamics you've mentioned would be a lot on anyone. I'm going through the same thing. I have an 11 year old and a soon to be 7 year old at the end of this month. They're constantly bickering. I'm trying to homeschool them both due to the virus, plus hubby is working from home. There's always confusion and chaos. My kids are not used to being cooped up like this. They miss their friends. Since this lockdown my stress has gone up because like I said I'm playing referee between my kids trying to keep them quiet so they don't disturb my husband while he's working. I have been having a period every other month now before that it was every three months. But once the kids go to sleep I try to use that time to unwind. But I hope you can find a way to mellow out and destress. Take care!

    • Posted

      thanks for replying i know my kids are 14 and 7 soon to be 15 in july . my husband has been homeschooling my 7 yr old and i can hear it in his voice the stress at times while im working downstairs and my daughter is another story i try to help her with her studies . i hate going to the store now lol ! i too think its my period but at times i think i shouldnt feel this way its exhausting and i try to keep my stress to myself but lately it leaks out . i hope you find time to relax too but my kids ate always tormenting me lol!

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