Long period
Posted , 4 users are following.
Hi ladies l feel your pain and your mood a painful time last one was 32 days long !!! 😱 not too heavy but very first week so ill due to fibroids just brings you down x
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Posted , 4 users are following.
Hi ladies l feel your pain and your mood a painful time last one was 32 days long !!! 😱 not too heavy but very first week so ill due to fibroids just brings you down x
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Guest Alllie
My friend has had a period that lasted 1 year straight she said sometimes very heavy and sometimes just spotting but never went away and finally after a year it would stop maybe close to completely for like maybe 4 weeks and start again is this normal? She is 58 be 59 Nov. She hasn't been to doctor nor will she go she thinks it's all normal because of sometimes it will go about 4 weeks will little to nothing AFTER the full year of a period.
katyD211 Guest
Take your drowns to get checked out. Tell her I just turned 59 n having similar symptoms...the never ending periods... but never a year. just went to doc who said she isn't worried. Pap was normal n now she wants to look at uterus. I'm a scaredy cat too but I'm going to let her do that test too. I'm tired of the anxiety from worrying about it...even though all women in my family have periods til late 50s.
Make her go...hugs!
katyD211 Guest
Dang auto spell!!
amanda59745 Alllie