Looking and feeling Old!

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As we know ladies it's a horrible time we are going through and I can't get over this feeling and looking really old (I'm 48). I've been given a facial exercise book which has good reviews but wondered if any of you lovely ladies has used one and did it really work? I have days when I'm feeling really good but then get replaced with feeling really low and I grab the skin on my face and feel old :-( I'm wasting time looking for miracle cures on Internet and it's driving me crazy. Thank you

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    It's just such a horrible time Tracky 😕... Thinking the same.... Yet we are not "old" really!!... It's true what they say life is short .... Xx
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      Thank you Trevis it just makes me sad sometimes x
  • Posted

    HI there I do know what you mean as I have become critical of my face.However, this is more to do with how I FEEL rather than how I look I think.  I don't think I really look that much different but I just FEEL old!!  I do now take extra care with my skin and go for regular facials and try and not put myslef down regaridng my looks.  I think the meno does this to us ladies and we feel less feminine and attractive....it's the old hormones...although physical changes do take place too...my skin is drier and my boobs have lost thier fullness....it's all very hard but I am working on accepting what I can't change and making the best of what I do have.  Noteasy though and I do feel for you.  Never used those facial exercises but I do believe they work...it it works on your body then why not on the face.  Good luck.XXX
    • Posted

      Hi Tracky

      I really hear what you're saying- I look in the mirror or catch a glimpse of my reflection in a window Andy heart sinks. My face has aged so much in the last two years (I am 47)

      I have been in peri for well over a year. I have the start of a saggy neck and I am now trying facial yoga (found on You Tube) and I think it may be working. As yet it is too early to know for sure (2 weeks in) but my skin feels slightly firmer and my neck is improving a little. I reckon it is worth sticking with. My boobs are also deflated and doing some resistence training has helped a little there too. Hang in there and try the exercises. I certainly don't think creams and potions do anything. We should just love ourselves I guess- but it's a real challenge when it seems so sudden. Bless you and don't let it get you down. We are all in the same boat and thankfully this forum gives us a place to share and encourage. Best of luck. X

    • Posted

      Hi, me too, has anyone else found that despite whatever exercise they do their muscles look all floppy and not defined?  I do loads of exercise and feel good for it, but unless I tense my muscles in my legs and arms they look non-existent.  Anyone else have this, or is it just me?
    • Posted

      Thanks for your comment I'm going to give it a go and see what happens :-) x
  • Posted

    Tracky - picture this.......I was checking in here after a break for a while (dodgy eyes), and read your post.

    Facial exercises have been around for a good while: now wishing I'd started doing them years ago. Because while I was reading your post, I caught sight of my reflection in the screen of my Tablet, and all I could see was some ol' bird with 6 chins....and the biggest 'feature' being the Turkey neck!!!

    Just noticed two other posts: one about a dry do-dah, and the other about saggy t*ts. Oh, just shoot me now!!!!:-)


    • Posted

      Hey Shaznay

      Love your post....don't you just hate it when that reflection thing happensi keep catching myself and sucking my chin up😜

      Such a conflict going on- mind says I'm 30 body says No Way girl!!!!

      My daughter is at the start of hormonal roller coaster at 13 and I am at the end of it- our house is like a war zone 😒

      Guess it's all part of the Lion King syndrome (Circle of Life)

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      All I can say is........your poor husband!!!!:-)

      I loved, loved, loved being 13: but not that part. Poor kid sad

      Yeah, C.O.L indeed


  • Posted

    So I've ordered a facial exercise DVD as I think I'll pick it up easier if I watch it! 15 mins a day so we shall see :-) it's funny Shaznay because a friend and I talked about doing these exercises about 6 years ago and never did, makes you wonder if there'd be any difference. So ladies I will start my facial exercise journey and keep you informed on how it goes :-)

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