Looking for hope
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Hello to all - I have been perimenopausal for several years, but did not experience debilitating symptoms until the last four months. My life has completely changed. Within these last few months, I have been to the ENT (normal), the neurologist (brain MRI normal), the caridiologist (heart good), my primary care, and two OB/GYNs, together with physical therapy and acupuncture. (I know many of you have a similar experience.) My primary symptoms are extreme dizziness and nausea, with brain zaps and head tingling. I took time away from work, but had to go back once my disability ran out. It seems the consensus is that my symptoms are a result of hormone induced anxiety. I am told I am not a candidate for HRT (the OB/GYN said she has not heard of these symptoms from her patients and she is a menopause specialist!), and the "only" medication is to go on an SSRI. I lasted 9 days on one before because I got so sick. Is there any hope? Do any of you know women who experienced severe, chronic symptoms and eventually made it through without any medications? Wishing you all well. Take care.
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Sassyr12a karen156794231
Hello Karen
I'm sorry to hear you're having a tough time, I hit the skids this year too after years of hormone and thyroid issues. I started bhrt in March, and whilst I take supplements and herbal things too, it really is only the Hrt that works for me. I also couldn't take ADs, they made me so much worse. I'm not sure how it works in the US, but sounds like you need to find a new GYN. Just because your symptoms don't match what they've seen, it shouldn't mean you don't have options. The anxiety comes from the lack of hormones and not mental health, so why treat only the symptom not the cause. See if you can find someone else and get a second opinion, and I would just advise you to fight for what you need. I hope you get it xxx
debra16694 Sassyr12a
HI Karen, i feel your pain i really do. Although peri wasnt horrific for me...just insomnia, hot flashes & flooding...post menopause has been a humdinger. i am 6 years post, but really only started experiencing bad symptoms the last 3 years, this last year has been a doozy! i equate the delayed symptoms to a couple of things...i was in a very stressful caregiving situation with my parents prior to the start of my bad symptoms & my hormone levels hadnt really taken a nose dive until this past year. i think the stress i had endured plus all the menopause symptoms just made my body crash & burn (literally) my body has been burning non-stop. i will say that my constant tingling & electric zaps seem better & the burning not as intense as it has been. My morning adrenaline anxiety rushes seem to be less or maybe i am just not reacting to them as i once did. i will say that there were days i couldnt get out of bed this year, and i am starting to push thru it a bit more. Going grocery shopping was almost too exhausting for me to tackle & just the other day i ran 4 errands on top of grocery shopping so you could say i am making a breakthru. Today i have the makings of a migraine, so i am taking it easy & pray that i have the strength to have a great day tomorrow. i guess what the takeaway here is, is that there are really stormy days in this journey, then you have a break in the storm and a glimmer of sunshine and you might just stumble across a rainbow on a good day...you just have to keep hoping & praying for those beautiful days of feeling good again. i am hopeful we will all see thru the storm soon.
Nettie261962 Sassyr12a
I have all if the above and more. My latest is muscle weakness and not feeling connected to my body and eyes not tracking right. I pray that each day will get better. Stay connected to this forum. The ladies are amazing and it helps to know you are not alone. SENDING A BIG AIR HUG!
mrs_susan74280 Sassyr12a
What supplements do you take plesse
monique_93857 karen156794231
hang in there I've been in menopause since I was 47 I am now 53 I thought the whole world was crashing down on me all the symptoms you just mentioned I have been through the crawly skin the zaps burning tongue dry eyes muscle spasms in my stomach ears ringing dry nose sleepless nights anxiety panic attacks twitching eyes sensitive teeth the list goes on and on what you have to do is just keep moving there is a light at the end of the tunnel it does get better you're not alone feel free to inbox me any questions and I'll let you know if I've been there and done it
karen156794231 monique_93857
Thank you so much for all of your thoughtful and caring replies; you are all an inspiration to me and I appreciate the support. Bigs hugs to you all!
ampat1 monique_93857
hi Monique I have pretty much all of the symptoms you mentioned, especially ear ringing which is my worst complaint. it started along with anxiety and panic attacks earlier this year, sleepless nights, hot flashes, muscle twitches, dry nose/skin, hair loss. most of my symptoms including anxiety are better but ear ringing won't take a break. I'm 39. my periods are very light but regular for last3 months, it skipped a few months before that. are you taking anything for your symptoms?
CarolKelso karen156794231
Hello Karen
i have suffered much the same...awful stomach issues, migraine, dizziness, bowel issues , heart palpitations, i could go on and the Neasuea awful...i get the awful head sensations and tingling...i got terrible spells of headaches that can go on for days....put Karen, it does get less with time and im living proof...
I moved house and relocated 4 weeks ago with all this going on in the background ...its very hard on you mentally as our bodies transition but im still here and my symptoms are getting less...have you seen the 66 symtoms if menapause list here at this forum? link below...know that you are not alone as i felt my body was dying at times. but it does pass and the only way is through it...keep telling yourself you will be okay. you are not alone in how you feel as many here are going through similar.
see link below. CK. ❤
michelle97919 CarolKelso
Amen to that carolkelso
The only way is THROUGH it!!!
God help us all x