Looking for information and advice regarding bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

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Good day - I'm new to this site. I'm also a northern Canadian girl that lives in a small community accessible by plane or train only. I say this because most of our stuff is shipped in and doctors (especially specialists) are difficult to access here.

Anyways, I'm living in a world of hurt that started nearly 7 or 8 years ago. I'm going to be 50 in 2020 and been perimenopausal for FAR TOO LONG! lol! My first symptoms were super scary - it was my brain. I was forgetful and feeling almost crazy because anytime I'd express this, people would say, "Ya, that happens to me all the time." What they didn't get was I was actually a very intelligent person that prided herself on her memory and being astute. At that time, I couldn't remember things like my husband throwing a birthday party for me and the attendees. I found it scary. Of course when I finally went to the nursing station, I was beside myself. I was complaining of that as well as sore breasts and a whole host of other symptoms like night sweats. Well she got on the horn to the doctor and I have no idea what the heck she told him but he wanted this girl to take a crap tonne of antidepressants. I do not want to go down that road because I've been there done that (suffered severe postpartum after my last baby...they wanted me on them for life - I was like NO WAY. I want to feel the highs in life and those robbed me of any genuine feeling). So fast forward a near decade and now I'm get my period every week or two. I've seen a OBGYN and he suggested endometrial ablation. My problem with that is I would need to travel 3 days for the consult and paper work, wait for the O.R. booking and travel again for the operation. It would be in a community where I don't have any support at all. I quit smoking a year ago, have taken up exercise in earnest (which if you knew me, you'd know I was desperate to get through this with my marriage and family intact). I happened on this and read somewhere that someone was trying biodentical hormone therapy but didn't catch how it worked or if it was worth a try. At this point I'm ready to try anything. I've been eating and craving chia - Not sure how healthy that is. I don't know. I'm grasping because anyone in my own family that I might talk to - mother, sisters, cousins etc. have all had hysterectomies so they haven't gone down this dark path. I am looking for ANY advice...ANY!

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I tried just progesterone (bio-identical) but it made me gain a ton of weight and made my already large fibroid grow. However I'm looking into cyclical hormone balancing. Not sure how easy that would be for you to find. But essentially they give you bio-identical hormones in specific doses tailored to your natural cycle vs. the static doses you get with HRT. I'm not sure if that would be good for you as I have no idea why you need endometrial ablation? But if you look it up online you should be able to find more info and if there is anyone near you in Canada. Good luck. I have also had a hellish peri and am still in it.

    • Posted

      Thanks for that. The endometrial ablation was suggested because of my insanely heavy periods. Having read on it, it seems it also comes with some hellish side effects - like watery discharge throughout the month...so trading one crappy symptom for another. I will look into the cyclical hormone balancing.

    • Posted

      So...is this a diet? I was reading on Dr. Oz's website - something about a diet. Living in northern Ontario means that I would never be able to afford that. Sadly - things like broccoli/spear is like $8. or for iceberg lettuce $5.50 and it's NOT even healthy for you. lol! I can't even imagine what kale etc. would cost out of season. I'd be seriously broke.

    • Posted

      No hormone cycling isn't a diet. A doctor gives you hormones but according to your cycle vs. a static dose that's the same every day.

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