Looking for the lady who is having throat problems ...

Posted , 2 users are following.

... hello, there was a lady on the site at the weekend that commented on a topic and she said that she was suffering badly with her throat and had ongoing ENT appointments ... if you are that lady would you mind contacting me?  I meant to reply when I got home to my home PC but didn't straight away and have since deleted the comment by mistake.

I can't remember the title of the topic she was commenting on - I'm sure it wasn't throat related.

Thank you in antcipation :-)


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi susan

    i have commented with regards to my throat, I have had it bad now just short of 2 years, anything I eat or drink it goes red and hot, when it's really bad it effects my ears too, I went back to the doctors on Friday and I'm been referred to a 3rd ENT, they have had me taking numerous acid things and I've been rested for allergies they came back fine.

    sue xx

    • Posted

      Hi Sue

      Thanks for responding to my post :-)

      Yes, that's what I was going to ask you, what is the problem with your throat, so thanks for saying.  That's weird isn't it.  I hope you get some answers to what's going on.

      I have no idea what's wrong with mine.  Lot's of things started about 2 years ago too; I had burping and low iron, so doc sent me for a camera into my tummy - not pleasant - but results were fine.  Ive also had one camera into throat cause I felt as if there was something there - again all fine.  Then slight breathlessness which is still with me,  Now the front of my neck is more bony than it's ever been.  Left gland been up for a year plus.  Ultrasound was fine and also CT scan.  Waiting on another throat camera soon.  Just soo fed up with it all.  Also tinnitus for few months.  Throat feels clogged up as well.  Where do you live Sue if you don't mind me asking?  I'm in Scotland, just outside Edinburgh.


  • Posted

    Hi Susan

    im in West Yorkshire, yes it is all very weird, I too had the camera down everything ok, plus I had it up my nose and down the back of my throat, they said my throats was inflamed which firstly brought them to the conclusion of LPR, but they said the tablets should be working if it was that, for me it seems to all going on behind my nose and that's why I'm getting phelm, so now they think it could be sinuitius, I think they are as baffled as me, I also get slot of tonsil cysts, it's just gets you down, it's more the not knowing what it is that's the problem, like I said they gave assured me it's nothing bad, which does help the anxiety.

    it seems like a few of the ladies on here have thirst issues so it could be another symptom of peri, it just seems never ending with issues.

    hope you get yourself sorted, I will let you know how I get on with the new ENT, waiting list here just for an appointment is 6 weeks, but you have to be seen within 18 weeks, so it could be a long wait, I don't mind that as long as it gets sorted.

    • Posted

      Hi Sue

      OK.  I was in York a few years ago and really enjoyed it.  Stayed at a wee holiday park with a lake in the middle.

      Yes, it does get you down, It's so frustrating not knowing what's going on.

      Yes the thirst is a peri thing - dry mouth syndrome i think it's called.

      Yes, keep in touch and let me know of ENT goes and I will do the same.  Our waiting time is 12 weeks - so two more weeks to go until I hopefully get my appt.

      Take care and hear from you soon.


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