losing blood stained discharge

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Been post menapausal now for about  8 years, im 66 now. I never had a smear test  when last due  and its been approx 6 years since i had one. I just couldnt stand the pain again.  Any how ive noticed im losing a slight blood stained discharge, its not everday but always some days every week, im scared to go to the drs as i cant stand the thought of having any internal examination and def dont want another smear test.  I wondered what could be causing this and has anyone else had this happening.  Ive got no pain, just a dull slight ache sometimes.


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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I hadn't had one for about 7 years but thought better go they found s polop up there go on Wednesday to hospital

  • Posted

    Hi Susan,

    Please take care of yourself and book an appointment with your doctor to look into this.  I'll be 68 this year.  Last year, I hadn't had a period for over 10 years, and my doctor had told me that I didn't need a pap smear annually--just every 5 years.  So, I hadn't had a pap smear for a while.  

    Then, I began to have the same things that you are experiencing now in April.  Not to frighten you, but I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer and had my uterus, ovaries, tubes and adjacent lymph nodes removed in July.

    I'm not saying that this is what's happening with you, but please, please go to see your doctor to find out what's going on....xxx


    • Posted

      Yes Lynda i know your right, Its just the last smear test was sooo painfull, she couldn't find my cervix.  Apart from the discharge did you have any other symptoms?   Normally i didnt ever find the smear test to hurt at all, just a slight discomfort thats all. im getting like a faint dull ache like a period pain. xx

    • Posted

      Hi Susan,

      To answer your question, apart from the brown spotting was that I felt a cramping, just as you describe.  It was worse at night, and when I sat down during the day.  I also had no stamina and felt tired all the time.  

      I can understand why the last pap was painful.  It is painful to have anyone poking about!  

      Are you planning on going to see your doctor?  I sincerely hope so, because if it's caught in time it's usually taken care of just by surgery!  

      Please let me know! xx

    • Posted

      Hi yes Lynda i spose ill have to wont i.  I too feel tired and no stamina but then they put most things down to my M.E.  so hard to say really. What concerns me is the fact ive also been getting digestive problems as well, im worried about it being ovarian cancer, my cousin died from this a few years ago now, they never detected it in her at all.  She died in her own bed at home, found by her hubby in the morning.she was only 40. I did notice though last time i saw her she had lost weight and her lower abdomen looked like she was 7 months pregnant. Mine keeps swelling up but then it does go down again.  last time i ever had a swab done to check for some infection it came back clear, however even that showed up as a dark brown on the end of the swab stick, dr didnt seem alarmed about this at all.  I havnt even told my hubby or or my mum about my concerns. Dont wanna worry them.  


    • Posted

      I am wondering if you meant Myalgic Encephalopathy? I've read a bit about it and it sounds awful!

      I am sorry to learn about your cousin!  A friend of mine's wife also passed away from it.  Her doctor assumed she was too young and didn't bother to check.  She'd had it for 2 years by the time she was diagnosed.  She fought so very hard and tried experimental treatments as well.  It was so very sad.  

      I do hope you get some answers!  Keep fighting till they have to find out what it is and treat it! 

      I understand why you haven't told your husband or your mum, but this is a lot to handle without those you love not knowing anything!  xx

  • Posted

    Susan, ask for the small speculum. They have the small size for pap smears which is what I always request because it's too painful for me when they use the regular one. You'll find the small one doesn't hurt.

    I would definitely get checked out it could be just your lining shedding with no real issues or it could be a polyp. Either way it's better to be safe and taken care of sooner than later.

    Ask for the smallest speculum they have.


    • Posted

      Hi Sochima, with me i think the new speculum is to short so they have to press harder to see the cervix, i remember when being examined during labour with one of my boys they remarked on how long i was inside and made it difficult for the trainee to do the examination properly.?
  • Posted

    I've been reading these forums for three weeks now. It definitely seems to happen to many, many women! Some have turned out to be nothing. Most are polyps or fibroids. I was afraid to go to the dr too when it happened to me. I finally got up the nerve. The pap was no where as bad as when I was young. I could barely feel a thing.


    • Posted

      Debbie with me its all reverse, i found them when i was younger far less painfull. They do say once youre menapausal its harder to find the cervix, true or not i dont know but obviously in your case it wasnt which is good. 
    • Posted

      HI Susan,

      I think my uterus has dropped, which is why my cervix is very low. However, I have read that many times after menopause, the cervix and uterus shrink, which makes it hard to find. I feel so bad for you. Paps should not hurt!

    • Posted

      Hi debbie

      Well i know mine has dropped cos its visible, but apparantly not bad enough for surgery, thats having five babys for you from the age of 18 to 37!  Then of course the good old menapause ! My last pap about 7 years ago was awful, i was gripping the side of the couch sad

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