Losing it perimenopause??

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I am freaking out 46 years old lots of stress over the past few years with both my parents passing. So not sure if its peri but it seems like it. My cycles are linger and heavier. Have gone from 28 to 37 to 41 to 35 to 41 days. Period usually lasts 7 days normally now it has been ten to 15 days on and off usually beginnkng and end are lighter. Just when i think its gone its back!!! Moody. Sad. Angry. Ugh i hate it. I have a doctor appt with gyne i. Two weeks. I just want someone who has been thru this to tell me i am not crazy or dying. Oh yea and anxiety. Wow.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    What you have described is very common in perimenopause.  You aren't dying or going crazy.  Your hormones are doing an up and down dance.  And boy it can reek havock on your total system.

    Try to slow down some, take a good vitamin, plenty of water, fresh vegetable and good proteins and carbs.  Get in bed and get a good 8 hours of sleep.  Take some time for yourself.  And believe it or not, don't over exercise.  This is a very difficult time.  Your body needs all the help it can get.  

    At times, long and heavy periods (especially with clotting) can indicate you could be having anovalutory cycles.  Meaning that your progesterone could be low.  But at 46, it's also quite possible that your estrogen levels are also falling.  Hopefully your physician might be of some help.  

    • Posted

      Thank u. So much! I will take this advice and run with it!! Its is hell being a woman.
  • Posted

    You have been through a lot. Sure stress affects your cycles.You aren't crazy and I wouldn't think you're dying even though you may think you will bleed to death. Keep your spirits up. I went through months of that and finally got a hysterectomy. My uterus was full of fibroids. Now I am enjoying the freedom of not worrying about unpredictable periods and everyone around me is enjoying the non-moody me. Hang in there till your appointment.
    • Posted

      Thank u just freaking out as the bleeding has never lasted this long very frustrating!!!
  • Posted

    I am sorry to hear your struggles. I can totally relate of the crazy feelings, I just started being a little freak for about the last 9months. I have had regular periods until around the last 3 months they have been less and I'm still waiting for this month. If I miss this month it will be my first, but I am super depressed, cry uncontrollably a lot, sad, want to die, feel like My life would be so much better and I would be happy if it weren't for one mistake I made when I was young with what should have been the love of my life for life that I alone let go. I am grateful you are going to see a doctor. I just wanted to let you know your not alone feeling crazy, I haven't really reached out to a professional yet. 
  • Posted

    This sounds like peri to me, my periods went from being five days to lingering for a week or so then spotting to coming on again, at this stage it seemed like i was forever bleeding. To put your mind at rest sometimes it is better to check everything out. I would recommend reading up about all the peri symptoms too and there are many. Sorry to hear about your loss, bereavement in itself is a journey ( i lost my mum and sister close together). With menopause knowledge is power and you dont want to feel alone in all of this, that is why this forum is great. I told myself i wouldnt get in a state but i too suffered health anxiety xx
  • Posted

    Hi, I am sorry to hear your loss of your parents. sad

    I don't think you are crazy or dying. I have tuneed 46 in August. I have been suffering from lots of emotional ups&downs thinking it is due to personal matters. Lots of aches and pains on my legs&ovaries. But I now realised that it is the PERI PERI GP was very happy to proscribe me antidepressants! But I said no. What is very sad is that many women go through it not not much research has gone into it and therefore not much help there for us. GPs could provide group sessions, support & therapy to women. But let alone this GPS has little understanding in the matter. Women has to suffer in silence but get on with every say chores. Good luck to all my lady friends.

    • Posted

      Has anyone considered having mirena coil fitted to control the bleeding during perimenopause? I haven't got hectic bleeding yet but just thinking if it could be a solution to keep things under control a bit. What do ladies think about this please?
  • Posted

    Been there, done that! Lol

    had mine for years( not said to depress you)

    very irregular cycles and bleed amounts.

    its good to see gyne - rules out any internal problems causing it.

    recommend vitamins B   in breakfast cereal or supplements as might help with energy and 'what did i come in here for' moments


  • Posted

    Peri will cause these issues anxiety, depression, anger and moody. Sorry you lost your parents. Its rough when you are in menopsuse and the stress is there.

    You should take some time to yourself get away 

    Learn some yoga or relaxation take time to take care of your own issues 

    hope you feel better soon

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