Losing my mind!!!!
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i have no clue how i can have symptoms after period over on day 8 and last 3 days have been hell backpain headaches eye pressure no appetite anxious very emotional and i try to hold it all in and not react but i feel like i will explode if i let go so anxiety kicks in more im so overly sensative maybe its just stress i dont knowbut i think im losing my sanity and wondering if it s rising estrogen making me so anxious i know im wstrogen dominant but my body feels so tense and tight from refraining my emotions ughh does anyone else feel this way ever or is time to check me in???
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Ella23ps christina81747
You sound like in all your post that you have Adrenaline problems to me. Adrenaline problems can cause estrogen dominance which can lead to all kinds of problems! Stress decreases progesterone by increasing adrenaline which demands more progesterone so there is not enough progesterone left to counter balance your estrogen. This can make estrogen dominance worse and increase your menopausal symptoms significantly. All of this can also cause horrible anxiety.
sara97862 christina81747
Hi Christina,
Some details from a Day 8 journal entry I made almost 3 yrs ago...
internal tremoring in uterus/ovaries area.
huge sore boobs.
sinuses a mess.
back and hips achey.
so tense i can't think straight
I was so fed up I started trying everything...
Some things that have worked for me in my high estrogen times...
Taking b complex, vitamin e, and good quality omega 3's. And magnesium. Had to take these daily.
Taking half a dose of benadryl (an allergy med) every 6 hours during ovulation and pms times.
I don't know why that worked for me, but i know if I slacked off doing those things, i would feel worse again after a few days.
pamela2016 sara97862
may i ask what the half a Benadryl helped ? was it to help anxiety or another symptom?
sara97862 pamela2016
It helped the sinus issues and the anxiety. Didn't remove the anxiety completely, but took it down to a bearable level.
pamela2016 sara97862
the reason i asked i had been prescribed vistaril it's like a Benadryl fir anxiety it didnt help me, but wondered if the Benadryl would help
sara97862 christina81747
Also, much love to you. This hormonal crap is infuriating!! Hope you feel better soon!!
Guest christina81747
Hello...yes i do! About three years ago i started feeling worse as my period continued and well into after it ended. I couldnt figure out why i was feeling even worse than i had at the beginning of my period..,.i tell a dr and they just look at me like im insane and try to say its not related to hormones....the hell it isnt!! Since puberty i had never felt that way on or after my period even when i was having a stressful low time in my life. And yes the anxiety is totally nuts!! I feel like im crawling out of my skin almost on a daily basis now
Rainbow976 christina81747
Unfortunately I totally relate. I don't understand WHY we are all suddenly so sensitive to the ups and downs of the cycle.2.5 years ago my cycle shortened to 21 days. PMS has progressively gotten worse (never had it before) and around the time I should be ovulating I wish I could vacate my body. I suspect that we are having anovulatory cycles, maybe our bodies are pumping out extra hormones trying to get the last eggs out?
I don't know but at this point I feel ok about 3-5 days a month, mainly around day 2 after period started until about day 7. Then it starts again. It's like a horror movie version of Groundhog Day 😃 So over it, wishing us all relief.