Losing my mind
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hello ladies
so i have to ask am i the inly one who feels crazy before my period now i never really know when its coming but it is supposed to be herebin 6 days! i was fine then yesterday i started ti feel on edge like i wanted to cry and really angry for no reason it eventually subsided but i still wasnt myself now today ughh i am anxious hyper like my body feels in edge like im waiting for something to happen and my mind keeps rhinking it wont go away something will happen then i start to get rushes of heat so fun and i continue to worry then i just feel like bursting crying ughh i think im crazy! i know my progesterone is low and now my estrogen is starting to dip too and my cortisol is high as well ! please tell me im mot crazy!!!
3 likes, 14 replies
christine-Perim christina81747
I feel the exact same way. Twice a month i am coo coo . when I ovulate and when I am PMSing. i could run away. I feel like driving away. I have to work very hard to pretend I am ok.
hopeforever christina81747
I know exactly how you feel last week before i got my period my mind was losing it the same way yours is. I had to coach myself through the day telling myself good things. From my mind to the symptoms. Yesterday my period ended and i am feeling a bit better thank God. I find that having good company around or talking on the phone helps. TV at times doesn't work for me because still my mind wonders and its worse when something horrific happens because my body reacts and i get anxiety. It is so strange. My emotions are all over the place. Know that you are not alone. We all are suffering. Hugs to you
christina81747 hopeforever
well i dont have company kids are in school hubby at work and i work from home so the stress factor is always there to get it done. its like the littlest thing or thiught will shake me up and yhen i feel jittery and startbworrying about it ughh then i feel uptight like inwill explode crying but i hold it in cause im wirking then kids home sonindintbwant to cry then it becomes overwhelming!!!
kelly55079 christina81747
You are not crazy!!!!In the beginning I know 'it's' coming and all these things with it. Yes it makes me anixious too because it's 2 weeks of feeling like crap.I too have the low feelings and then anger and rage. I just take all my supplements hoping one day it will subside. In my younger years I never had this much trouble--- so why now?
christina81747 kelly55079
it is si crazy i just get so fustrated with it and every time it feels like its new isnt that wierd so when i start getting symptoms i end up wirrying about it and making myself crazy with thoughts that it wont go away which is stupid cause it always does lol even today im just hyper all day cant relax and end up worrying about it i never had pms before this crap! Do you get really tired too! Like today i feel like i have cramps but im 6 days from period thats if it doesnt come early but is no severe cramps just slight ones and im tired fustrated want to rip someones face off and then want to cry for no reason and then i can be okay then little while later i have sudden urge to cry!! THANKS FOR RESPONDING!!!!!
kelly55079 christina81747
Oh gosh yes.. I get extremely exhausted.. It's like my body is preparing for all this stuff and I'm exhausted OR it's when I'm so angry all my energy goes to that. I have no idea but yes very tired among other things. I have had really bad cramps too where it's like contractions-- I then have to take IB pro and lay down.. So don't panic-- it's just a process. For me it's about a 2 week process from beginning to end with all these symptoms then the day after my period I'm usually OK for a couple weeks before it starts again.I started writing down all that I go thru just so I can compare to next month---
bev27429 christina81747
Yes, this is totally normal! You are not crazy, but it just feels like you are. My period is now totally unpredictable: cycles ranging from 17 to 35 days with periods lasting 2 to 12 days. I am turning 51 later this year.
I have periods of time when I feel happy, carefree, optimistic, and just like my old self, but I also have times of real struggle: rage out of nowhere, crying spells, frustration, fear. The list goes on.
When I feel good, I believe that it is over, but when it turns, I feel terrified that I won't find a way out of the abyss that I find myself in.
I have been dealing with intense symptoms for two years, so I am hoping that I am nearing the end, especially as my period has gone crazy!
I just started taking plant-based calcium, as there is a lot of clinical data which shows significant improvement with PMS and PMDD by taking this mineral. You might want to give it a try.
It is so draining to have such out of control emotions, but it is a phase, so it will end one day.
Sending you hugs and understanding xo
sunaina1983 christina81747
Ur not alone dear
me too feel same 😭
Izzy25110 christina81747
Thank God I am not alone as I too am experiencing this.
Lisaippie christina81747
i am exactly the same way twice a month i feel completely crazy this menapause is driving me nuts! This month was the worst its ever been , feeling dizzy for days , mood swings, depression and terrible anxiety i dont want to take hormones so i am trying to tuff this out , i know how you feel , hang in there , prayers ❤
hopeforever Lisaippie
Do you feel off balanced ? I feel like i have to hold onto things at times. My body feels weird somewhat detached. I cannot explain it.
Izzy25110 hopeforever
yes. I have a neurological condition that causes dizziness as well and throw that and perimenopause together, I have about 4 days a month or less that I am not confined to bed. It is a hell I would not wish on a dead animal
sunaina1983 hopeforever
Same with me
i feel off balance..always searching support to stand
staci88515 christina81747
This is an accurate description of my everyday life.