Lost my job
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well it happened today, I lost my job due to having too much sick leave due to peri menopause. Am still trying to take it in, please pray for me if you are a praying person. Thank you.
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maria101 ruth24048
Hi Ruth, sorry to hear you have lost your job,I know what you are going through but it does get better with time...some people just cannot work with the menopause I can't just to much symptoms in one go....I'm a lot better then I was but not totally out of the woods, I pray to God for it all to end for everyone your be in my in those prayers and don't forget it's not for ever.
metamorphed maria101
maria101 metamorphed
Hi metamorphed, sorry I did not see you respond to me, I am still transitioning into menopause they have not complete stop I'm hoping now after not seeing them again for 4 months this would be the last for me just have to wait and see leading up to August next year fingers cross....the symptoms I'm still having can go and come such as feeling hot then cold my sleep has return thank god wouldn't wish that on anyone, I will get odd tingling but can live with that so far so good nothing to much to complain about these days,I think I got so use to how I feel I just take it in my stride and get on with it,I remember I was walking around like I couldn't connect just feel bit drunk in the head that feeling has finally lifted when I went in to my Dr surgery and realise when I came out that it had gone,but you don't know when these symptoms disappear, funny thing about all this you tend to forget previous symptoms you had when it all started how strange...anything you are experiencing will subside with time I use to think I would stay how iam and there be no ending although people say it will get better, but it does takes time so look forward to the better times its on its way darling (((((hugs))))))
metamorphed maria101
thanks maria. If you are four months without and things are looking up then that's encouraging! don't forget to keep posting as you go through more 'absent months'! and you're right, you do forget certain bad symptoms. that's probably why no-one seems to be able to tell us how bad it was for them (except this site and others like it), because they simply choose to forget, or just plain forget. hugs to you too!!
carmen_22574 ruth24048
ruth24048 carmen_22574
carmen_22574 ruth24048
You're welcome! Trust God
2chr2015 ruth24048
I believe this will get better. I will pray you find an even better job than that one.
Did your stomach aches get better?
ruth24048 2chr2015
lynda20916 ruth24048
Oh, Ruth, I am so sorry to learn this happened to you! I will pray for you, for your health and healing and that you will find another job--one where you don't have to work with unsympathetic jerks! xxx
Trishann ruth24048
Sorry to hear about your job loss. I too was forced to resign due to my illness last week..some people don't have compassion and It's a terrible thing to go through but I'm happier. I do have anxiety issues and it has really been off the roof. But praying and hoping this will all pass soon. Prayers lifted! 🙏🏼
sharcerv52408 ruth24048
Oh Ruth, I am so sorry to hear this. I am praying for you. I can relate. I had the same thing happen to me years ago with my periods. I used to suffer horrible cramps and I used up all my sick days and was told I could not come back to work. It is devastating. They should allow menstrual-related issues to be seen as a disability in some cases because sometimes that is exactly how all of this can make you feel; like you can't do anything! Take care, dear.
Geegemiai ruth24048
Hi there , so sorry to hear this it's going to be ok maybe you just needed some time to regroup your thoughts and perhaps take time off to rest and heal a bit!I have a few questions and just because I work in the Human Resorces field. When they let you go did they actually tell you it was because of you being out sick? Are you under a doctors care for your symptoms? Depending on what state you are in and depending on how long you have been working you may be eligible to file for unemployment, you can't fire someone because they are sick especially if you are under a physicians care. Let me know I am interested in finding out there may be a way you can help yourself until you find the next job. Hang in there everything in life has a solution . Waiting to hear back from you!
looloo43 ruth24048
Dear Ruth. I am so sorry this has happened to you hun. it must be a shock for you & seem a bit surreal at present.
I can relate to what you must be feeling right now. I have been off long term sick since may with chronic bowel illness having had all the tests & scopes under the sun with no further diagnosis on top of my already diagnosed bowel conditions. I have a med assessment with occ health next week. I am close to losing my beloved job of 9yrs myself, as my wonderful (& i mean wonderful) employers simply can't sustain my long term absence - they have to run a business at the end of the day.
my consultant currently is trying me on some "band aid" meds in the absence of a diagnosis in a last ditch attempt to try & control my bowel symptoms, so i can at least try & get back to work for just a few hours before all is lost.
for many of us jobs are not just a means to an end, they are part of our lives in a social,meaningful way giving us independance & friends & purpose. i would be devastated if i did end up losing my job, so i can imagine what you are going through right now hun.
my peri symptoms are now well controlled in the main, particularly mentally, with the help of hrt i started in april, but prior to april, i too almost lost my job due to losing it impulsively with a manager & walking out. had my line manager not come & persuaded me out my car, i would've lost my job long ago. i was finding it hard to cope at work before hrt by way of random tears, getting overwhelmed at the slightest thing, making mistakes in procedures I've done a thousand times + & getting frustrated & tearful with why i was like this, losing my temper with people, bouts of faintness/dizziness etc etc. i honestly believe if i hadnt started the hrt when i did, i would've lost my job due to my behaviour long ago.
I am not a praying person hun, but take a few days to digest what has happened. other ladies have also said on here & i agree, take some time out for yourself now. i don't know if you are on hrt or not, but it may help to talk to a specialist gp or nurse at your surgery experienced in womens health/gynae/menopause. most surgeries have them these days, & talk to them about options to help you. when you feel more settled with your symptoms, you can then re-assess your life - where would you like to work, what would you like to do etc - all when you feel better & more in control of your symptoms - it will come/ happen. you just need to try & accept help & feel better for now. don't look to far ahead, just try & deal with the NOW.
Take care Ruth, please take a big hug from me (instead of a prayer).
ruth24048 looloo43