Love handles!!!
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Any ideas on losing stomach and love handles??When I first started peri I lost alot of weight and now Ive gained more then I want and it seemed to happen all of a sudden...Im not gaining anymore but been eating good and exercising and it so frustrating not seeing results!!Thank you!!!
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Woo3353 laurie_11049
Welcome to my world and a lot of others in peri's world also😠
Gym sessions, pilates, yoga, boxercise all in a week, week on week, no processed food, no sugar and I mean no refined sugar in anything, low carbohydrates but still the spare tyre and love handles are there, i have exercised for over 25 years but never have I been so heavy.
I take everyday as it comes and buy lots of pairs of control knickers
julie7525 Woo3353
paula20385 laurie_11049
Take care
julie7525 laurie_11049
lesleysharp1966 julie7525
Hi Julie
Reading your post was like reading about myself!! I too am on HRT and sertraline and have put on half a stone up to now but all round my middle and lower back and thighs - I've always been very slim and now feel like a bloated whale ha ha - I walk everyday for at least an hour with the dog and also go to the gym and exercise at home but still looking much bigger than I want to. Like you though I need the sertraline as I was having panic attacks before I went on it and my anxiety had gone through the roof and I'd had 5 weeks off work - how long have you been on it? I know its all down to my hormones but even now some days I feel a little anxious 😩 but nowhere near as bad as before - I'm sorry you're suffering like me Julie but it does make me feel a bit better to know I'm not the only one xx
julie7525 lesleysharp1966
Hi Lesley, exactly the same...panic attacks, palpitations last 2 yrs then it went off the scale after xmas, i was having looping panic attacks especially at night, horrendous! Beta blockers stopped the adrenaline dumps but waa waking up straight into anxiety so i went on sertraline. I built up to 150 over 5 months and its only in last fortnight that ive felt good every day. Still get a little anxiety if i havent slept well. I take sominex if i need to guarantee a good nights sleep. Ive been in meno for 19mths. Been going to docs for last 2 yrs saying my anxietys not good, got palpitations, plus stomach problems, cystic acne, joint pain, pins and needles in fingers, dizzy/faint spells...i asked many times could it all be down to meno? Doc would shrug and say we got to rule out other things, so went thru ecgs, blood n poo tests, brain MRI, testing for a whole range of undesirable things which just added to my anxiety and hence i ended up with health anxiety and panic disorder! I had a month off work now the school has stopped using me (no contract) so im also looking for a job and attending jobcentre...more stress! Been a nightmare but at least i feel well most of the time and think i'll be able to do interviews without being on diazepam lol. I think sertraline adds to the gas and bloating so hopefully when i can reduce that i might find it easier to lose the fat! Im normally 7st10, now im 9stone!!!! Hate it! But i guess its better than suffering looping panic attacks and feeling like im having a breakdown! Never had a history of anxiety or depression so its been quite a shocker! 2 goodcthings have conebout of it...bigger boobs (for now anyway!) And no longer working for the superbit@h at work, instead im pursuing doing something i enjoy now, painting and decorating. Ive run out of goodwill the way shes treated me at work and wont put up with any BS! So its not all bad lol x
bumblebee85 julie7525
Like you I never had panic or anxiety until meno. Thank goodness its gone for me. Only a little chest knotting if I am stressed but that isn't very often. Its hard to find postivies from meno at times but for me it made me deal with my grief from the sad passing of my beloved husband, I know if he had been here he would of got me through this. I have had to do it all naturally because hrt was a no no for me. I also lost a lot of weight but it soon came back, I crave chocolate more now, never really had a sweet tooth before. Also in the morning I seem to look so so but by the end of the day preggy belly look but no boobs! No bingo wings or turkey neck yet lol. I have found a good anti wrinkle cream and have to moisturise body now but as the days go by I am becoming more and more me again. Not sure if the weight will go but like yourself prefer sanity. Take care x
Azzumi laurie_11049
This is only my thoughts on this but it could be a combination of water and fat so I'd be dropping your carbs back. All carbs including sugars. Unless we are incredibly active we don't need much in the way of carbohydrates. Some lean protein with each meal will help with sustained energy and watch for too much sodium too. If you add salt then pink Himalayan is by far the only one to use. Drink plenty of water. If you don't drink enough the body will think its lacking and hold on to it. Unfortunately as we age we have to get stricter and stricter with out diet. Exercise is very important but diet is absolutely our number one priority. Hope this helps.
julie53120 laurie_11049
I Laurie
?I am in post and kept my weight of 9 1/2 stone for years and over the last year it just seemed to appear overnight I am now 10 1/3 stone - I am fairly active running a B & B and horses but can't loose it. It probably doesn't help that my appetite for sweet things is going crazy, but I do try to be good. Sometimes its like my brain says to hell with how you look just enjoy life. but it is frustating when clothes no longer fit.
mary27278 laurie_11049
Laurie what cause you to lose weight?
Because I noticed I'm losing too, first I had the digestive problems where I couldn't really eat then after I got problem under controlled I remained on a healthy lifestyle diet so my acid reflux wouldn't returned. So it seem weight stayed steady or slightly loss.
I was good for about a month or so then started having severe vagina dryness and had intercourse and brought on a UTI ..
Now I'm dealing with the UTI and started cipro antibiotics and stomach started burning so I stopped taking them .
Since the UTI I have a lack of appetite. I don't want to lose anymore weight. What I've noticed is that my symptons usually flare up around the time I'm due for a period.
This morning I noticed my face looks very dry too.
laurie_11049 mary27278
Hi Mary!!Well when I started peri I was goin thru a divorce and a very stressful one...My ex turned my 2 boy against dealing with that and the new symptoms of peri I was a wreak!!To the point of I wanted to just give up!!!Ive had stomach issues since high school and peri has not helped that either...I also went thru a stage of alot of UTI's but that finally went away..I told my husband yesterday that this weight gain is just another kick in the ass from peri and he looked at me and said BUT honey just think of all the things you and peri have been thru!!!lolThis has not been a good adventure for me but Ive learned to control anxiety and not flip out at every symptom..Sorry so long!!!Hope your feeling better soon..