Low blood sugar feeling

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Does anybody else wake up early with low bs feeling? I wake around 6:30 with hunger pains,internal jitters,anxiety and feelings of rushes.When I get up and eat I still feel like crap,and it last on and off til after dinner.Yesterday I went 5 hrs without eating and while I was cooking I was hot and sweating.The weird thing is my bs is always normal.Checked it in morning and it is never below 84 or above 93,but I still have these feelings.This started 2 months ago and before I could wait till 10 am to eat and be fine.Now I feel like I have to eat every 2-3 hrs or I feel jittery and anxious.All these weird symptoms really suck.Please tell me it gets better.

God Bless

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Beth I’m the same, I did have a glucose intolerance test back in 2012 which showed my blood sugar dips too low which they call reactive hypoglycaemia. I have to eat small and often so I eat something every three hours, oddly some days I can go so much longer without getting jitterybut this week iv felt jittery after about two hours of eating  and feel as if I need to eat something quickly and makes me feel clumsy and I can’t think straight 😳 bizarre isn’t it . 

    I did have a time we’re I thought I was over it but sorry to say it’s back.

    I think you’ll get use to it and you’ll get use to having some sort of snack with you everywhere you go.   

    Sending you a comforting slightly jittery hug x 

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    Hi Beth, I am a dizzy girl anyways...but...  I have GERD, so I stop eating around 6pm...  I wake up 12 hrs later hungry...but don’t feel like eating right away!  I try to eat by 8 after I send the kids to school, etc.  I carry granola bars and juice boxes in my bag too.  Been tested several times...normal...fasting and non fasting.  We jhave to be like cows now and graze throughout the day.  Just another lovely thing to deal with.  🙄

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    Yes I know what you mean. Before peri hit I could go until noon without eating anything and now if I don't eat something by 10:00am, I get jittery and anxious and need to eat something quick. It is very nerve-wracking.

  • Posted

    Hi Beth - Yes, I get it also - I even feel like my vision gets weird & it seems to be worse if I have had anything the night before like fruit or something sweet...I was eating a combo of blueberries, grapes & cherries for my after dinner snack & stopped because I felt like in the morning my blood sugar was weird - who knows - menopause really impacts blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid function etc. So over it! 

  • Posted

    Thanks ladies for your replies.I just feel very overwhelmed by all these weird feelings and symptoms,I try to keep telling myself it's hormones,but I feel very isolated and alone with this.My mom just tells me I don't remember my symptoms,and my mom and husband say I don't know how to help you.My mom even told me to get a hold of myself.I wish it were that easy.Yesterday was really bad and I felt like I was going to have to be locked away in a mental hospital.It gets really bad when my husband goes to work and I am alone all day with my kids.I homeschool and it is very hard.It doesn't help that it has been raining here for 5 days straight.Im just so over it.I don't have a lot of hot flashes,but I get cold all the time.Dr checked thyroid said it was fine.I just want my old self back and I am afraid I will never see her again.

    • Posted

      Hi Beth!  Hats off to you for homeschooling.  That is great!! When mine are at school there is some tranquility around here.  My mom doesn’t understand either...she just says “ boy, you’re having a hard time”... she forgets a lot of it...probably.  Here’s to hopefully seeing our old selves again!  🤗

    • Posted

      I don't have kids. But earlier this week I could definitely understand the mental hospital thing. It has also been rainy and cloudy here for about a week. If I didn't have you ladies to talk to I would go nuts! I have two older sisters that have gone through menopause. The oldest never talks about it not with me at least. She told my middle sister she had a few hot flashes and that was it. My middle sister told me years ago that when I started going through it she would be there for me, but when I broached the subject she told me "that was a dark period of my life and I don't want to talk about it". I mentioned it to her again about a month ago and she said "you're not finished with that yet"?  So besides God and you ladies I have no one to talk to about it.

    • Posted

      Oh wow. I'm so sorry that this is the case with you and your sisters. I can somewhat relate. I have two older sisters. The oldest one doesn't like to talk about the symptoms and when I bring it up she brushes the matter off quickly. She has always had an easy menstrual cycle. Even her meno symptoms are mild. My other sister who I have a stronger bond with, we are able to discuss this subject very openly and freely. We have had similar menstrual issues and have the same symptoms more or less with peri menopause. But I get more relief sharing with you ladies because you all are always here to talk to and when I can't talk to my sister, I know I have you. This has helped me tremendously.

    • Posted

      Hey Beth,

      I am about to be 42. I began similar symptoms a little over a year ago. My problem was that it would hit me right when I was going to sleep. The adrenal rush. It would keep me wide awake. Over time this caused me extreme anxiety because I imagined in my head that I had a horrible disease. I also started experiencing SEVERAL other symptoms. I too got that jittery feeling and also the feeling in my stomach like I either needed to eat or was nervous. It was very strange to me. My mother doesn't remember any symptoms like this. I homeschool my 5 children also so I wanted to reach out to you. You are not alone. I have overall gotten some better. I still have bad days (mostly around my cycle) but I just try to take it day by day. I stay off Google completely! I don't look up any symptoms whatsoever. I also began taking dha fish oil 3 times a day. And I had to start taking blood pressure meds - which I never in my life had to take before. My blood pressure was perfect through 5 pregnancies and I am not over weight and don't have high cholesterol. I avoided taking the meds but since I've started taking them I can tell a difference and I overall feel better. Good luck. Msg me if you need to talk. Hugs!

    • Posted

      Thank you for this.

      I believe the anxiety is getting too much for me to handle.I am considering a counselor,because I feel like I can't do this on my own anymore.I seem to be in a constant state of anxiety and panic.It seems to be worse this week when my period stopped.I sometimes wonder if it is hormones or something else wrong with me.I just want it to stop because it is so not me.I now have to go do school with my kids and I dread it because I have trouble concentrating,and this makes me sad because I loved it last year.

      Thank you for your words of encouragement.I am a woman if faith,but at the moment I feel hopeless.

      God Bless

    • Posted

      There is no harm in seeing a therapist. I saw one for about six weeks and would still be seeing her if she hadn't left. I was seeing her for free through my job. She was on a contract with my employer and when it was up she left because she was working three jobs and of course the government contract paid the least, so that was the job she dropped. She was great! We hit it off right away! She's 65 so she gets it. She's still practicing but my insurance won't cover it where she works now.

      I am also a woman of faith and have felt hopeless(earlier this week as a matter of fact). But remember, God knows your heart and he knows your faith in him is still there. And I know God sent me to this forum. I have cried tears of joy and relief knowing I was not alone. I have also laughed until I cried at some of the comments, because again knowing you're not alone or crazy  helps so much! Hand in there!  ((((hugs))))

    • Posted

      I am a woman of faith also. When all of this started I felt completely hopeless and lost. I actually did have to start taking clonazepam at night to sleep after I had been awake for 48 hrs and completely worked myself into a tizzy. I don't want to be on the medication but I am only on it at bed time and I just take it and let it go. Time and prayer have been my best medicine. Good luck to you. I really get it and understand. It's crazy how much we can change overnight. Blessings to you and your family! Like I said if you want to keep in touch let me know.

  • Posted

    Yes I feel like this too since Perimenopause hit. At first I thought the symptoms were from blood sugar but in reality I think they are anxiety symptoms. Many many women in peri have much more anxiety in the morning hours especially upon waking. Even if you don’t have feelings of dread and terror the symptoms can feel physical like jitters, shaking etc. it’s really awful I know. Many women try to go walking in the morning outside and find that helpful. 
  • Posted

    Yes your not alone, so when you start feeling weird know many of us are feeling the same way. Remember this... people who go crazy don't know they are crazy lol if you think your going crazy your still sane. Sometimes I can't get my words out or feel dizzy, cold, and my balance is off at times. Today in the elevator I stumbled the guy looked at me like are you drunk lady? LOL geez wish there was a magic pill for all of us! Hang in there!

    • Posted

      You are correct. I work a the local Police Dept. and crazy people do not know they're crazy, so they don't seek help. They think they're fine and everybody else is crazy. Which is why they don't seek help. So if you're on this forum you're probably not crazy(we just think we are. LOL).

    • Posted

      Very true! Last year right after all my peri symptoms exploded I went to my GP trying to figure it all out. I was a wreck and figured something was very wrong with me and I was dying. Anxiety through the roof! My GP had a GP in training he brought into my appointment with him. As we were talking, the topic of depression and anxiety got brought up. They even had me fill out the little questionnaire. My score was very low showing it wasn't depression. We then started talking about my life circumstances at the time ( I was going through a very stressful time ) and while I was telling them, I stopped mid sentence and said - 'maybe I'm in too far to tell' ( that I was crazy)  and they both immediately said "no". So I guess it's true that if you think you're crazy, then  you probably aren't!  I've wondered several times over the past year if I've had a mental breakdown but when I read the symptoms it doesn't appear to be the case. For me the anxiety of peri is the worst symptom. I get the weird head feeling and have learned to ignore as best I can and ride it out until it's gone. Sometimes I wonder if I look like I feel! Some crazy lady moving in slow motion, googly eyes that don't move as fast as my body does and a puzzled look on my face like I'm lost! 😉 Can't wait for it to all end! Hang in there 

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