low calcium

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just had my bloods back. everything looks ok except my calcium is low. anyone else had a problem with that, & is it a menopause thing or something else do you know? going to be talking to my doc on the phone tomorrow x

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes Brimbo it is I'm afraid. As soon as we hit the change, the lack of oestrogen effects our calcium levels...

    HRT does help with that...but there are natural ways too..and you need to do some sort of weight bearing exercise.

    talk to your doctor about it hun ok.


    • Posted

      Hi Mel, i had a bad reaction to hrt so won't use it, & i've had to cut out dairy beacause of bad reflux. I'm 47 & funnily enough i've been taking calcium for the last two weeks, but it's still low x
  • Posted

    Hi brimbo 

    when i was in peri my doctor always said take calcium and vit D from the word go, and take it daily always have 

    i take Natecal which is two in one 

    jay x

  • Posted

    Be careful Brimbo...get advice on what dose of Calcium you take...you can overdose your system and it then crystallises in soft tissue like kidneys which can be damaging.

    take care. Xx

    • Posted

      i've been taking Osteocare for 2 weeks. (calcium, vit D3, magnesium, zinc,copper, manganese, selenium,boron)
  • Posted

    Great news on the results being ok in the main.,  I think low calcium can signify a few things, your doctor will explain what they think, sometimes they are happy to let it go and re-test. 

    I haven't had low calcium but I think it can be linked to low Vitamin D, they work together, which I keep reading is important at menopause (but can't remember why - info overload) Also magnesium deficiency sometimes shows up as low calcium, some medication can effect it.  Hopefully there is a simple solution that the doctor can recommend, supplements or maybe a watch and wait.

  • Posted

    Just spoke to my doc. I've got to stop all my supplements & start eating gluten again!! She wants to do some more 'fancy tests' which will take a while to come back. Low calcium, low B12 too. um... hope I don't start feeling more ill cry
    • Posted

      Hoping that it will be the other way around and you will feel better smile B12 and calcium work together I think.  Do you know why she suggested you start with gluten again?  Take it easy with that, so your body can adjust
    • Posted

      Magnesium and calcium work together, but magnesium may actually play a more important role. It controls the entry of calcium into each and every cell--a physiological event that occurs every time a nerve cell fires! When it comes to building healthy bones, magnesium is as important as calcium and vitamin D are! Without adequate magnesium, too much calcium gets inside the cell. This causes cramping and constrictions in ways you might never consider.
    • Posted

      She wants to test for autoimmunity & celiac disease & something else... can't remember of course hahah!!!
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      Yeh i have been taking calcium, vitD, magnesium supliment for 2 weeks but got to stop now
    • Posted

      Magnesium is essential for the functioning of more than 300 different enzymes in the body, particularly those that produce, transport, store, and utilize energy. This includes:

      Protein synthesis. DNA and RNA in our cells require magnesium for cell growth and development.

      Sparking of the electrical signals that must travel throughout the miles of nerves in our bodies, including our brain, heart, and other organs.

      Normal blood pressure, vascular tone, transmission of nerve cell signals, and blood flow.

      Functioning of all nerves and muscles.

      Release and binding of adequate amounts of serotonin in the brain.

      In short, living without adequate levels of magnesium is like trying to operate a machine with the power off. And like a machine, it's likely to malfunction. Here are some health conditions associated with the cramping and constrictions that can be attributed to a magnesium deficiency:

      Anxiety and panic attacks: Magnesium helps keep adrenal stress hormones under control and also helps maintain normal brain function. [2]

      Asthma: Magnesium helps relax the muscles of the bronchioles in the lungs.

      Constipation: Magnesium helps keep bowels regular by maintaining normal bowel muscle function. Milk of magnesia has been used for decades to help constipation.

      Heart disease: Magnesium deficiency is common in those with heart disease. Magnesium, a natural calcium channel blocker, is an effective treatment for heart attacks and cardiac arrhythmias. An astounding number of studies have documented the effectiveness of IV magnesium in helping prevent cardiac damage and even death following a heart attack. The reason for this is that 40 to 60 percent of sudden deaths from heart attack are the result of spasm in the arteries, not blockage from clots or arrhythmias! [3]

      Hypertension: Without adequate magnesium, blood vessels constrict and blood pressure increases.

      Infertility: Magnesium can relax spasms in fallopian tubes that prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus.

      Nerve problems and muscle spasms: Magnesium helps eliminate peripheral nerve disturbances that can lead to migraines, leg and foot cramps, gastrointestinal cramps, and other muscle aches and pains.

      Chelated Magnesium is kind on the stomach 

      Magnesium Citrate & Magnesium Oxide have laxative effects 

      jay x


    • Posted

      Yea Brimbo

      that was for other ladies to read..

      Its good to stop any vits for a while or tests results are not true

      i always stop mine for a while before blood tests

      good luck

      jay x

    • Posted

      She sounds like a great doctor, investigating all avenues to help you feel well. Is this all interconnected with your 'menopausal' situation - do you know?  Maybe if something else is going on and that is treated, everything else will improve smile

      Celiac is interesting if she has asked you to introduce gluten (?)  Best go with it all I guess - how are you feeling in general?

    • Posted

      Hi Beetle

      I'm still very up & down...this blasted head won't clear. Like nothing's real. Physically I'm stronger but still getting anxiety, depression, fatigue, nausea etc. 

      Two of my sons were diagnosed with auto-immune diseases in the past. My youngest with Celiac disease, & my eldest with Langerhan's Cell Histiocytosis. 

      All my symptoms do coincide with missed periods so i reckon it's all to do with menopause, especially as a lot of other ladies suffer the same symptoms xxx

    • Posted

      Well I am glad that there is a bit of up with the down smile  I am a bit the same, but much better than I was - I missed one period after being told my FSH was POST menopausal and that was it and since then had 2 which were on time (although heavier) and another blood test that says I am in range as 'normal'.

      Still getting odd things happen, but they are different than before ha - the temperature going up and down, hot and cold has stopped and the red flushed, spotty skin has stopped, now I have swollen ankles coming and going and yes, a depressed mood, nausea and fatigue that's the worst really.  Zero motivation.

      I've dumped my GP for now and going it alone and if things get worse again, I'll find another one.  For now, I am resigned to 'not knowing' whats going to happen next.  I don't like that aspect of all this x

    • Posted

      Agreed. I hate not know what each passing week will bring...or rather dreading it. Symptoms definitely 'on a cycle' so I guess all hormonal. However if something else is wrong, my doc said it is easily treatable so that's great news smile
    • Posted

      Your Doctor sounds like a keeper smile Have your periods reappeared?  I am certain that my estrogen is now higher in ratio - hence the horrible PMT - I have honestly never before moaned about my hormones and now 'hate' myself for doing it, but it is ALL true - they run riot wink
    • Posted

      I've missed the last two...but not 'swinging' hormonally as severely as i was. I had a horrible day yesterday but not so bad today. Me too, I've NEVER been a moaner or hyperchondriac, but this has been beyond anything I've ever experienced. Literally felt like I was dying. Blacking out almost, almost going in & out of concioussness..... but maybe that was a bit of adrenal burnout as well, & maybe something else. hopefully all will be revealed soon 
    • Posted

      It's all a bit of a puzzle and I'm glad you are getting yours together after such a horrible time

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