Lower tummy now.

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I can't take much more of this worry. I know I'm always on here but im seeking reassurance all the time with all these horrid symptoms, im sorry. I have every single symptom and amplified at that - it's my joints , it's just about everything - crying with fear and can't think straight anymore. Ive had a total hysterectomy , oophorectomy three years ago and hysterectomy over twenty years ago. Yesterday I was pushing my granddaughter in her pram for ages uphill aswell, I was really puffing - this morning I woke at three with horrid lower abdomen deep aches , really awful and ive had it all day. Ive been doubled over and feel like my insides are falling out seriously . Im so tired of myself always moaning and worrying and now extra worry over this - I don't know what to do, health anxiethy is wrecking my life my heart is thumping all the time and now I think ive got something else wrong with me. Please no horror stories but does anyone think it's just pulled muscles ???? Im sorry everyone im just beside myself - my hubby gets cross and says im attention seeking, maybe I am as I doubt my sanity myself. Now ive got all this to worry myself sick over, please help xx

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28 Replies

  • Posted

    Sounds like you used some muscles you haven't used in a long time - Ihave you called your dr or checked into the ER - if you don't do that I would try a heating pad and see if that gives you relief 

    • Posted

      Thank you I will - been taking co codamol and will use heat pad. Do you think I need to worry ? 
    • Posted

      Don't worry - relax your body - take deep breathes - worry ties your muscles up even more 

    • Posted

      im trying but feel so overwhelmed with dread and terror , torture rand hell - not worth it
  • Posted

    Hi lou86, are you taking any hormone therapy? If not maybe you should consider it. As for your joints you should take tumeric which is a spice that is found in curry. Tumeric is very good for inflammation of joints, it is also good for depression. You can cook with it, or take it in supplement form. It works for my knees. Also cut back on refined sugars and carbs, they are known to cause inflammation. Since I cut back on sugar and carbs my knees do not hurt anymore.

    As for your stomach you should go to your doctor, get it checked out to be on the safe side.

    Hope you feel better

    • Posted

      Yes it is, It really helps with joints, inflammation, also it makes you feel good mentally. Keeps the mind sharp.
    • Posted

      thank you , no im not on HRT im not allowed due to migraines. Too scared to think straight  - too scared to see a doctor , it's all too much to cope with

    • Posted

      I think you should really see a doctor, get yourself thoroughly checked out. Do not suffer needlessly. Don't let fear keep you from enjoying life and granddaughter.

      Take care of yourself before anything else.

  • Posted

    Dear Lou, you poor love, you sound completely overwhelmed. Don't worry about seeking reassurance - it's what we're here for. In answer to your question, yes, I think it is probably muscles that aren't used to working. They're the deep core muscles we don't access very often - unless you do pilates. Try a warm bath with some drops of lavender oil in it to relax your muscles and your mind. If it's still as bad tomorrow though, get it checked out by a Dr. My mum swears by glucosamine and condroitin for joint pain (works very well for animals with arthritis) - and green lipped mussel extract is supposed to be very good as well. You are not attention seeking, you are struggling with anxiety and that is a very debilitating and genuine condition. Let us know how you get on. Jane xx

    • Posted

      Oh Jane thank you and so sorry for being such a nucience - this is really scaring me now - to be honest im worried and too scared to go to the doctor, I don't want to hear what he says. Im walking around holding my lower parts - im sure something's about to fall out, but what ? there's nothing left...... Im getting myself in a right old state ive taken four co codamol that have made me feel so spaced out - Ive even had a mirror down there to see if andthings coming away - it's ridiculous my head is completley blown. Im just so so stressed , this isn't normal - there's something wrong 

    • Posted

      Hi Lou, how is your stomach feeling today? I'm hoping it's somewhat better than yesterday. Just to reassure you: when I was waiting for my endometrial biopsy results I too thought that there was something seriously wrong because I had constant chronic pain in my lower abdomen. It turned out to be my anxiety about the results that was causing the pain in my abdomen because it went away when I found out I was ok. The more we worry, the more it hurts. But it's still as bad today, please get it checked out - if only to make you feel better. Let us know how you get on. J x 

    • Posted

      Hi Jane, thank you for kind words and so sorry you e suffered too. The strange thing is the achy draggy pain reminds me so much of a heavy period that's about to begin - how can it when there's nothing there? Yes I have anxiety but this pain is real. Im scared and very anxious and taken more co codamol to make me a little woozy  - it's all too scary xx

  • Posted

    Hi Lou, you come on here anytime you need reassuring. Like Jane said that is what we are here for smile Im pretty positive that the pain you are feeling is muscle pain. Did you notice the key word in your post was "uphill" ? Pushing anything nowadays is a task but uphill pushing is tough. Hang in there my friend. You should feel better within a couple of days. Praying for you always smile

  • Posted

    Lou86 pushing your granddaughter uphill does use your lower muscles including stomach I walk outside around my house which is uphill and I hurt for days especially when I lay or sit down. Hormones (lack of or imbalance) can cause stomach aches and pains including deep lower stomach giving like IBS and seriously trapped gas symptoms. The doctor told me to use gas X chewable tablets and take bendryl by mouth which relaxes those muscles and also helps calm you! My doctor says I can take two 25mg tablets at night. Your nerves and anxiety can make EVERYTHING worse. I know i have an do suffer exactly what ya saying with stomach and also HEALTH WORRIES I thought I was queen of those worries. There's an app called "Abide" that has really helped me a lot! Lou you are much stronger and healthier than you think. One thing I had to teach myself was STOP been on full body alert 24/7 like I was. I mean if I seen a freckle that I may know have noticed before I am in full panic thinking everything but freckle or age spot lol.  I have OCD on top of all that I WASH MY HANDS AND DISHES SO MUCH i have craked and bleeding fingers and hands :-(  We have got to stop this insanity because this worry is NOT good for us either. Enjoy your granddaughter  the great outdoors and the little bit of good weather thats left and relax and try ways NOT to stress! What hobbies do you enjoy?  Trust me by ignoring every little wimp that hits us by focusing on something else while it passes will keep you from worrying so much AT first its hard to do BUT you can do it and trust me your mind and body will thank you for it. :-)  Cyber hug for reassurance that you are okay and doing much better than you think! We are in this together ~ 

    • Posted

      so sorry you e had so much to deal with aswell it's all so so horrible, I remember when I had my surgery I had horrible burning pain for months on the side the ovary was removed - the consultant said it was deep soft tissue pain from the surgery - this feels similar but more like horrible period pain of the worst kind - im wondering if I have tissue / muscle damage ? It's horrible and is making me feel so sick and depressed - struggling to stand up straight . Thank you for being there it does help x

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